How To Prevent Viral Infections?

As you probably already know, the main route of spread of viral diseases is with the hands. There are basic steps you can take to prevent the spread of a virus.

Often times we get sick because other people have infected us. In the same way that we can infect others. Therefore, it is very important to know how to prevent viral infections.

amInfectious diseases are the most common infectious diseases. Among them, respiratory infections are the most common, as well as gastroenteritis.

According to statistics, the vast majority of these cases are caused by viruses. Like that of influenza -Influenza Virus-, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Rotavirus and Adenovirus. In addition, the use of antibiotics is generally not effective  because these drugs are aimed at treating bacterial diseases.

What are the main routes of contagion of viral infections?

As you probably already know,  the main route of contamination of viral diseases is the hands. Indeed, these ends are continuously in contact with objects that have touched other people. And we use them to touch our nose or our mouth unintentionally.

It is therefore very easy to be contaminated with microorganisms from other people. Although this is the main route of contagion, there are also other very common ones:

  • Respiratory tract: when a sick person coughs or sneezes, they expel a number of viral particles which enter the body of the people who inhale them
  • Poorly ventilated rooms: the accumulation of viral particles in the environment is usually due to a lack of ventilation of the room

Diagram of the chickenpox virus, one of the most common viral infections

Habits to prevent viral contagions

As we can see,  it is very easy to get viral infection. For this, we offer you a series of very useful tips to prevent this type of disease.

  1. Use disposable tissues: disposable tissues are the most hygienic. It is therefore not recommended to use tissue handkerchiefs. When we cough or sneeze, we need to cover our nose and mouth with the tissue. If this is not possible at the time, it is best to cover yourself with your elbow. We should never sneeze or cough into our hands because, if we cannot wash them afterwards, we promote the spread of the infection to other people.
  2. Wearing masks: to protect ourselves from viral particles expelled by other sick people, wearing masks is the best means of prevention. It does not have to be a surgical mask. We can also use a scarf, especially in places where there are a lot of people
  3. Washing your hands regularly: this is a really effective measure to prevent the spread of a virus. Hand washing should be done with soap and water whenever we cough or sneeze
  4. Clean your kitchen well and pay attention to your diet: to avoid getting sick, it is essential not to eat expired food.
  5. Ventilate rooms: As we mentioned, poorly ventilated rooms contain a lot of virus particles. Therefore, good ventilation every morning (for at least 15 minutes) is essential to allow air to circulate and regenerate.
  6. Drink water only if it is drinkable: we must not share cutlery or glasses with other people either.

Do vaccines prevent contagion?

Currently, among respiratory viruses, only influenza vaccine has been synthesized. So far, it is  the only respiratory virus that we can prevent the spread of. However, we have to change its efficiency every year because these viruses have a great ability to mutate.

Besides the vaccine against the mentioned virus, others are being studied and being researched. Like the respiratory syncytial virus vaccine. The latter mainly affects children and it should be marketed in the coming years.

Vaccines against viral infections

Viral infections: conclusion

Although viral infections are very common and very easy to catch from their contagion,  there are a number of steps you can take to prevent them. We need to be aware of our responsibility to prevent the spread of certain diseases.

Finally, good hand hygiene is essential, as is covering our mouth and nose with a tissue when we cough. In addition to all the advice offered,  we also know that research is being carried out on new vaccines  to protect us from these pathologies.

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