How To Prevent And Avoid Hair Loss

Hair loss is a fairly common problem nowadays, since it affects the majority of men, but also some women.

Hair loss is a fairly common problem these days, since it affects the majority of men, but also some women.

Many causes are at the origin of this fall. Thus, too much exposure to the sun, hereditary factors, drugs, diet, mineral deficiency or also stress.

According to some surveys, around 70% of men suffer from hair loss, while for women, this figure is around 25%. 

However, regardless of who is most affected by hair loss, and what is the cause, the important thing is to realize that, in most cases, hair loss can be prevented.

It is indeed necessary to follow some advice that we will offer you in this article.

If you have started to notice that your hair is falling out, or just want to prevent this problem, we invite you to read these few recommendations.

But first of all, remember that if these factors are hereditary, then it will be much more difficult to control them. Nonetheless, our tips can be quite helpful in reducing the problem.

In any case, it is better to consult your doctor so that he can determine the exact cause of your hair loss problems.

have a healthy diet

When we are suffering from hair loss, eating a healthy diet is essential for healthy, strong, and beautiful hair.

We therefore recommend that you eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and avoid fats and junk food.

To effectively treat and prevent hair loss, we also recommend that you increase your consumption of vitamin A, which is responsible for stimulating hair growth, and  vitamin B5, which regenerates the skin and hair by preventing the latter do not weaken. 

It is also necessary to increase its consumption of  vitamin B3 which stimulates blood circulation, especially in the scalp. The vitamin C  also works as a tonic for the hair. Finally, vitamin E  is also essential because it repairs damage to the hair, and thus helps to delay hair loss.

Avoid exposing them to the sun


UV rays not only affect the health of our skin, but also that of our hair. Exposing your hair to the sun can indeed weaken and dry it out. It can also cause them to lose shine. 

In addition, other factors can be taken into account such as sea water, the beach, and the water in swimming pools. They can indeed weaken the hair and prevent growth.

Avoid the use of chemicals

There is a huge variety of hair products on the market today. And although some of these treatments work perfectly, others, on the contrary, only weaken them a little more. They will therefore play a role in hair loss.

Using gel, dye, and even some shampoos can make hair loss easier. Without forgetting the lacquers, the gel, and other fixing products.

So try to use natural products that will provide a lot of vitamins and have no harmful effects on your hair, unlike the chemicals mentioned above.

Using the right comb

hair loss and comb

When combing your hair, you should also be very careful. Indeed, it is during this time that the most hair falls out if you do not comb your hair properly.

It is therefore important to use a wide tooth comb in order to take care of our hair.

It is also recommended to avoid using a brush, which is too harsh on the hair. Finally, it will be advisable to keep the scalp clean to prevent the follicles from clogging and thus stop the growth of the hair, or even facilitate its fall.

Reduce the wearing of hats and headgear in general

Frequent use of hats, caps, hats, or even scarves can facilitate hair loss because they prevent oxygenation.

In addition, we recommend that you avoid the use of barrettes, plastic elastics or any other accessory used to tie the hair. Indeed, by exerting too much force on the latter, we weaken them.

Avoid the use of hotplates, hair dryers or hair clips.

Straighten hair

It is certain that hot plates and hair dryers can help us improve our appearance and that of our hair.

However, their constant use can cause a lot of damage to our hair by drying it out and removing shine from it. In addition, they can also stimulate their fall.

Indeed, exposing our hair to such high temperatures weakens it, which therefore facilitates hair loss.

Avoid stress

Stress is another cause of hair loss because it causes the blood vessels supplying the hair to contract.

The consequence of this is to weaken your scalp, and at the same time to weaken your hair.

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