How To Prepare Quinoa Milk? Discover The Recipe And Its Benefits

In addition to not containing gluten, quinoa milk provides us with significant amounts of calcium and dietary fiber. They are good for bone care as well as digestive health.

Quinoa is a food with great nutritional value appreciated since antiquity for its multiple benefits for physical and mental health.

Although it is often used in cooking in the same way as cereals, in reality it is a pseudo-cereal, gluten-free and high in protein.

In fact, it is one of the most recommended ingredients in vegan cooking, because it is a source of fiber, essential fatty acids and other nutrients that the body needs.

Many even consider it a super food, not only for its concentration of vitamins and minerals, but also because it contains all the essential amino acids.

Best of all, it’s super easy to digest, low in calories, and suitable for people with celiac disease.

Below we want to offer you an interesting recipe as well as the main benefits of quinoa milk.

Quinoa milk: a vegetable drink with multiple benefits

Quinoa milk is a drink that, unlike other plant milks, is high in protein, fiber and antioxidants.

With very few calories, it is a significant source of:

  • Vitamins (C, E and B complex)
  • Dietary fiber
  • Minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc)
  • Linoleic acid
  • Phytoestrogens

How to prepare it?

quinoa milk

The preparation of quinoa milk is quite simple, does not take too much time and its ingredients are easy to find in the market.

If the original recipe is prepared with water and quinoa, in this case we suggest you give it an extra touch with a little vanilla extract and cinnamon.


  • 1 cup of quinoa seeds (200 g)
  • 6 cups of water (1.5 liters)
  • Vanilla extract (5 g – 1 teaspoon)
  • Ground cinnamon (5 g -1 teaspoon)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (optional) (25 g)


  • Put the quinoa in a container, cover with water and let it soak overnight.
  • The next day, drain it and put the seeds in a saucepan with two cups of water.
  • Heat until they are very soft, then pour them into the blender with two more cups of water.
  • Mix at maximum speed until you obtain a smooth drink.
  • Then add the vanilla extract and cinnamon and let stand for a few minutes.
  • Pass the milk through the Chinese and separate the liquid from the rest of the cereals.
  • Serve it hot or cold and, if desired, sweeten it with a tablespoon of honey.

What are the benefits of quinoa milk?

woman drinking quinoa milk

Thanks to its complete nutritional composition, regular consumption of quinoa milk brings many benefits to the body.

Its intake of omega 3 fatty acids helps control cholesterol levels and other problems that affect cardiovascular health.

It has anti-inflammatory substances that help balance inflammation in the body and control conditions like arthritis and muscle pain.

Its protein intake strengthens and stimulates the growth of muscle mass. It is ideal for athletes and people with physically demanding jobs.

It is also an interesting alternative to cow’s milk. Indeed, it does not contain lactose but supposes a significant contribution in calcium and essential minerals.

It is a good remedy against constipation and digestive disorders, because it provides dietary fiber and other substances necessary for the proper functioning of the stomach and intestines.

  • It is recommended as a supplement to strengthen the immune system, as its vitamins and minerals increase the defensive response against various harmful pathogens.
  • It is one of the best supplements for healthy weight loss. Its caloric intake is minimal, it is very satiating and its nutrients support the function of the metabolism.
  • It can be used as a remedy for dehydration and diarrhea. Indeed, its minerals and other nutrients help support the body.


We can even introduce it into the beauty routine. Indeed, it regulates the pH of the skin but it also helps fight excess fat production, acne and premature wrinkles.

In fact, applied to the hair, it promotes hydration when it is dry and prevents loss of shine.

Need more reasons to prepare it? At work !

Follow the given steps and enjoy its wonderful properties today.

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