How To Know If We Have Intestinal Parasites

To eliminate intestinal parasites, we must favor the consumption of garlic, pumpkin seeds, papaya and infusions, and avoid sugars, l alcohol, dairy products as well as carbohydrates.

Unfortunately, many people have intestinal parasites,  regardless of their age, and the symptoms are not necessarily revealing. This is why this disease is not easy to detect and is often confused with other ailments: fatigue, anxiety, nervousness, digestive problems, headaches, weight problems, etc.

In this article, we’ll tell you how to tell if you have intestinal parasites, and we’ll give you some natural remedies and tips for following a diet that will prevent and fight them.

Intestinal parasites

Parasites are organisms that settle in our body, and feed on our cells and the food we eat.

These parasites, just like fungal infections or bacteria, are found in abundance in our bodies, and if we are healthy, we live in balance with them. They have beneficial effects on our body, the problem arises when an imbalance changes our levels of pH, enzymes or intestinal flora.

The parasites then become pathogenic and aggressive, and are the cause of all types of diseases.

Therefore, it is essential to maintain a certain balance in our body through a good diet and healthy habits, using natural supplements if necessary, to avoid and fight parasites.

There are many types of parasites. The best known is Candida, but there are others that are also very common, such as giardia lamblia, roundworm, or tapeworm.

How do we know if we have intestinal parasites?

The most common symptoms are:

  • Appetite disturbances (excess or loss of appetite for no apparent reason)
  • Swollen eyes
  • Anxiety and nervousness
  • Itching on the tip of the nose, eyes, or in the anal area
  • Dilated pupils
  • Bowel disorders (constipation, diarrhea)
  • Insomnia for no apparent reason
  • Tired
  • Headache

Although these symptoms can be attributed to other reasons, the possibility of undergoing treatment should be taken into account if you regularly suffer from these ailments, for several days or weeks.

Children can also get intestinal parasites, and their presence is also difficult to detect. It is therefore necessary to be careful if they often scratch the tip of the nose or the anal area, if they are more nervous for no apparent reason.

In addition, if you have pets in your home, they should be dewormed every month,  because the parasites they suffer from most often are transmitted by simple direct contact.

Food is fundamental

The diet that must be followed to eliminate the parasites must be very strict, because the latter feed on certain foods. It is essential to completely avoid:

  • Sugar and sugary foods
  • The alcohol
  • Milk and dairy products

Sugar when you suffer from intestinal parasites.

In addition, you must reduce your consumption of refined carbohydrates (white rice, pastry, etc.).

On the other hand, you must include in your diet basic foods :

  • The garlic is an excellent suppressor. It should be consumed raw on a daily basis. If you have difficulty digesting it, you can rub it on toasted bread or buy it in capsules or tablets.
  • Pumpkin seeds  are also an excellent remedy for parasites. At least thirty raw seeds should be consumed each day. You can grind them and mix them into your food if you prefer.
  • Papaya seeds. You can make a papaya milkshake by adding the seeds, water, and a little stevia to sweeten your drink. It should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

In addition, between meals, drink thyme, oregano, and chamomile infusions. This combination will help you strengthen your defenses and kill parasites.

Pumpkin seeds to get rid of intestinal parasites.

Take care of your intestines

The best prevention against parasites is to have properly functioning bowels. For this, you must take natural supplements to avoid recurrent diarrhea or constipation, and follow a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • If you are constipated,  take flax seeds, prunes, foods with bran, and drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • If you have diarrhea,  eat astringent foods like white rice (or its cooking broth), green tea, or a vegetable carbon supplement.

White rice when you have intestinal parasites.

These intestinal parasites deteriorate the intestinal flora, and tend to proliferate when it is unbalanced. This is why it is necessary to use probiotics which serve to repopulate the intestinal flora, as well as to avoid and fight parasites.

You can buy probiotics at drugstores or herbalists, and consume them from time to time.

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