How To Have A Healthy Colon

Gut health is fundamental to our quality of life. Find out in the rest of this article what are the determining factors for maintaining a healthy intestines.

The colon or large intestine is a very important part of our digestive system.

He does not digest food, on the other hand, it is he who takes care of expelling the excrements.

This is why we say that when it is healthy, the whole organism functions properly. We will therefore be in good health!

The excreta disposal process is very simple. It begins in the small intestine.

This is where the substances that the body needs to eliminate pass through the ascending colon.

The colon or large intestine is a very important part of our digestive system.

He does not digest food, on the other hand, it is he who takes care of expelling the excrements.

This is why we say that when it is healthy, the whole organism functions properly. We will therefore be in good health!

The excreta disposal process is very simple. It begins in the small intestine.

This is where the substances that the body needs to eliminate pass through the ascending colon.

Then they go straight to the transverse colon. The latter is responsible for bringing the substances to the descending colon, and this is where the process begins, since they are transformed into feces.

They then pass to the sigmoid colon and eventually be expelled through the rectum.

If the colon is healthy, it can absorb nutrients efficiently:  we eliminate toxins without leaving any trace of them in our intestines.

Helpful tips for maintaining a healthy colon

Helpful tips for maintaining a healthy colon.

Eat well

You have to follow a healthy diet, that’s what is best for your health.

He will thus be able to perform his function correctly, and this will be seen in our general state of health.

To keep this part of the digestive system in top condition, the best foods can be:

  • high fiber foods
  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • beans

Get a good physical activity

You have to maintain constant physical activity. It is essential to have a healthy digestion.

It is important to note that when we have a sluggish or sluggish digestive system then toxins stay in the body longer, which is not recommended.

Maintain good hydration

Drink the recommended amount of water. Indeed, it is very important in helping the body to eliminate toxins.

In addition, the excrements become much lighter, which inevitably facilitates their evacuation!

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However, it is very common for some people to experience digestive system irregularities due to stress.

It could also be due to changes in sleep schedules , or simply because they are constantly traveling.

Some harmful residues can get trapped in the intestine. To help the body to eliminate them, it is necessary to carry out a good colon cleansing (click on the link to know this cleansing).

This should be done at least twice a month. This is why we must also use healthy and natural products, because they do not cause irritation.

Remember that maintaining good gut health will allow you to maintain a better quality of life!

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