How To Fight Indigestion And Bloating

To avoid indigestion, it is fundamental to eat slowly and avoid consuming foods that make us bloat. To relieve it, we must favor teas, orange juice or baking soda.

Indigestion is a digestive upset that can cause abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, and general malaise. Fighting indigestion and bloating is easy, and anyone can do it with a change in eating habits.

Usually, indigestion is caused by heavy, fatty food that is eaten in large quantities. It can also be caused by alcohol consumption, and air trapped in the digestive tract, among others.

One of the most common annoyances of indigestion is bloating. This problem is usually caused by air trapped in the digestive tract. This one lodges there if one has eaten too quickly, consumed carbonated drinks.

As a result, we feel that the abdomen is doubling in size. We suddenly feel like we’re going to burst. 

Tips to fight indigestion and bloating

  • Eat slowly and without interruption. It is necessary to take your time to chew well and without interruption, to avoid swallowing air with food because it is a major cause of bloating. Well-chewed foods will facilitate digestive function.
  • Avoid the consumption of carbonated drinks.  If you are one of those people who consume carbonated soft drinks or sparkling water, now is the time to eliminate them from your diet.
  • Identify which plants are delicate for you digestion. Many people are sensitive to the consumption of certain vegetables such as cauliflower, cucumber, squash, cabbage, among others.
    If when you eat these foods you feel bloated and experience symptoms of indigestion, your best bet will be to moderate their consumption and replace them with other plants.
  • Identify if you have any problems with lactose.  Having a sensitivity to dairy products is very common. These foods are said to be very difficult to digest. They can cause bloating, as well as diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea.
  • Stop fatty foods. Avoid eating French fries, cold cuts, excess eggs, butter, and vegetable oils.

5 natural remedies to fight indigestion and bloating

If you suffer from indigestion and / or abdominal bloating, there are some home remedies that will help you fight this problem quickly, naturally, and economically.

Cinnamon infusion

cinnamon infusion to fight indigestion and bloating

Cinnamon and its properties are very effective in helping the digestion process. E lle helps reduce colic and bloating caused by poor digestion.  For this, the only thing you need to do is prepare a cinnamon infusion.

Pour half a spoonful of cinnamon powder into a cup of boiling water. Let it rest for a few minutes and then enjoy your infusion.  

The Orange juice

The orange can become one of your great allies when you eat heavy food. Before consuming fatty or heavy foods, eat an orange or drink a glass of orange juice. This fruit will help you increase stomach acid and improve your digestion capacity.

Baking soda

sodium bicarbonate to fight indigestion and bloating

Feeling heavy and bloated in the stomach is the symptom that the food we eat has caused us to have indigestion.

To lighten that up, there is nothing better than baking soda. Its components will help you fight stomach acids and help you eliminate the air that gets stuck in the digestive tract.

For this the only thing you need to do is prepare a household antacid by using half a teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of water. If you wish, you can also add a little lemon to it. Then drink directly after preparation.

Ginger infusion

Ginger helps stimulate digestive juices and increases the flow of enzymes. Thus it will help you to avoid and calm the bloating, the cramps, the gas and the pains due to the indigestion. Especially when you have eaten heavy food.

To prepare a ginger tea, all you need to do is add chunks of ginger to a cup of hot water. Then let sit for 2 to 3 minutes before consuming.

Mint infusion

mint tea to fight indigestion and bloating

Mint is very effective in combating all symptoms of indigestion and helps the body digest food well. 

For this, the only thing you have to do is put some mint leaves in a cup of boiling water. Then let it steep and stand for 10 minutes before consuming it.

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