How To Easily Remove Scratches From The Floor

For those who take care of the floors in their home, scratches are the worst nightmare. Stay calm: we have a few tips for getting rid of them, or at least covering them up.

A scratch on the floor can undermine the serenity of those who like to keep their homes welcoming. However, do not panic: it is possible to remove scratches from the floor very easily. Follow these steps to realize it!

Scratches on floors accumulate over time . Some can happen on certain occasions, for example when moving a piece of furniture, others, in the meantime, often happen even without our noticing it. At what times? When you move a chair, when animals come into the house, or even when a stone is embedded in the sole of your shoes.

Seeing them, many think that their apartment is ruined forever and that nothing will change this small sighted detail in the room. Don’t be alarmed: in this article we show you some easy ways to remove scratches from the floor.

5 ways to remove scratches from the floor

1. Surface scratches on wooden floors

repair scratches on the floor

Hardwood floors or hardwood floors are very susceptible to scratching from your first day in the house. To get rid of these surface scratches, you will need a wood marker in the color of your floor. You can get it at DIY stores. Once you have it, follow the next steps:

  1. Clean the scratch area with a soft cloth dampened in water. Thus, you will remove the remains of dirt and dust.
  2. Test the marker on an inconspicuous area to verify that it fits properly.
  3. Paint the stripe with the tip of the marker until it is the same tone as the rest of the floor.

2. Soft scratches on laminate floors

Laminate floors, an economical alternative to hardwood floors, can be easily scratched. Therefore, it is necessary to have a strategy to correct these irregularities. For that, this process can be useful to you:

  1. After you’ve properly cleaned the scratched area, use a repair pen – found in floor repair kits – to fill in the scratched area.
  2. Wipe off excess wax and smooth it out with a damp cloth or sponge. Leave to dry for 24 hours.
  3. Take wood clay, also from the kit, and fill in the scratch until it is level with the ground.
  4. Wipe off the excess with a rag or sponge.

3. Deep scratches on wooden floors

catch deep scratches on floors

These cases are a little more serious. However, it is also possible to improve the situation, at least in part. In this case, you will need wood infill the color of your floor. Then proceed according to these instructions:

  1. Remove dirt from the damaged area with a damp cloth. Rinse and repeat the process to leave it completely clean.
  2. In case your floor has a top coat of polyurethane or varnish, you should wipe it off with solvent. Then wipe the cloth again and let it dry.
  3. Apply some wood filler with your index finger. Also with your finger, spread it all over the damaged area. Don’t worry if you overflow, you can remove the excess later.
  4. Let dry, at least a day.

If you do not dare to resort to this method or if you are afraid of ruining your apartment, there is always the possibility of calling a professional to do it. However, you shouldn’t worry: the procedure is simple.

4. Scratches on the granite floor

The granite floor is characteristic of old houses. These floors, well laid and maintained, bring an undeniable beauty to the surroundings.

However, their strength and durability does not make them immune to scratches. When you move furniture or if a heavy object falls, they can suffer the consequences. Unfortunately, in these cases, there will be no other way than to contact a professional.

On the other hand, superficial scratches or stains – normal on such floors – can be removed. If you are experiencing this problem, we recommend that you take the following steps:

  1. As always, clean the affected area with a damp cloth to remove dirt. Then let it dry.
  2. Apply the polish to the scratch. You will find the instructions on the pasta container you are using.
  3. Polish the scratch with fine steel wool. Start very gently so as not to damage the area and continue the process for a few minutes.  
  4. Check the drying of the granite after polishing. If you throw a few drops of water on the surface and within a few minutes these are dispersed, it is time to reapply a top coat of granite, also known as a sealer.

Keeping soils healthy is a daunting task, as any mishap can produce a mark. However, this is something that you can achieve with these simple methods of removing scratches from the floor, regardless of their material.

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