How To Cleanse The Skin With Almonds And Rosemary Water

This natural tonic allows us to cleanse the skin while serving as a treatment for any skin disorder caused by stress, such as eczema or irritated skin.

Cleansing your skin every day is as important as moisturizing it with the right cream. 

Cleansing the skin of the face helps us to remove the remains of dirt and make-up, as well as the dead cells which remove luminosity and color from the dermis.

Find out in this article how you can cleanse your skin in a natural way thanks to this ancient beauty remedy, based on almond and rosemary water.


To understand why the almond is so good for the skin, we need to talk about its oil. It is indeed one of the most nutritious and economical moisturizers available.

There are many other oils that are trendy, but often very expensive. Almond oil is a basic that resists fashion and the passing of the years.

The main virtue of almond is its emollient capacity, that is, it moisturizes and softens the skin.

It is also characterized by its calming properties, very suitable for irritated skin, with eczema or any skin disorder related to stress.

In this case, we suggest you use raw almond. In this state, it also contains nutrients, even when not mixed, and allows us to do a gentle exfoliation to cleanse the skin deeply.


Surely you have heard from some older women about rosemary water as a remedy to maintain the beauty of the skin.

Both for its simplicity and its effectiveness, romain water should never be missing from our beauty routine.

Rosemary is rich in minerals (magnesium, zinc, iron), essential fatty acids and vitamins B and C. The latter is very antioxidant and promotes the production of collagen, which gives firmness to the skin.

Thanks to its circulatory properties, this surprising medicinal plant improves the natural hydration of the skin. The result is luminous, well-nourished skin without shine.

It is also a powerful anti-aging regenerator, thanks to vitamin C and fatty acids. It deeply cleanses the face and reduces acne marks. 

You can use rosemary water as a cleanser and tonic, prepared as a concentrated infusion, or acquire its essential oil, which must always be diluted.

Remedy to cleanse the skin


  • ½ cup raw ground almonds (50 g)
  • 5 tablespoons of rosemary leaves, fresh or dry (50 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • First, prepare the rosemary water. Bring the water to a boil and add the rosemary leaves. Cook for a minute if they are dry or for 5 minutes if they are fresh.
  • Turn off the heat, cover the container and let stand for 15 minutes.
  • Filter the infusion and when it is lukewarm, gradually mix with the ground almond. The goal is to get a creamy, rather than solid, dough that doesn’t drip. 

Store this preparation in a closed container in the refrigerator for up to ten days.

How to apply it?

Like we said, this almond rosemary cleanser has a paste texture that we can apply very easily, like it’s a gentle, moisturizing exfoliant:

  • Wet your face with lukewarm water.
  • Take a dab of dough, and in your hand, mix it with a little water to make it more liquid. 
  • Apply it all over the face and massage well with your fingertips, especially on the T zone (forehead, nose and chin), for one minute.
  • Rinse with lukewarm or cold water and dry well.
  • If desired, then apply a facial toner and moisturizer suitable for the type of skin you have. The tonic can be simply rosemary water.
  • You can do this face cleansing with this homemade product in the evening, before going to bed. If you have oily skin or acne, you can also do this in the morning after getting up.
  • This exfoliant is not exclusive to the skin of the face. You can use it for any part of the body that you want to cleanse, hydrate and calm, such as areas with pimples, eczema, psoriasis or dry skin.

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