How Not To Lose Calcium In Your Bones

To synthesize vitamin D, which is fundamental to absorbing calcium well, it is important to get in the sun for at least five minutes a day.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in our body! We find it 99% in the formation of our skeleton. The rest is in the blood. It therefore performs essential functions for our body!

It is essential for our health. It is thanks to him that the nerves work. These muscles, like muscles, contract with the intake of calcium. Our heart can perform its essential functions thanks to this essential mineral!

In view of its importance, it is good to know how to better assimilate it. We will therefore give you a set of principles to follow. They are in fact guidelines that will help us not to lose our bone mass.

This will keep our bones and teeth healthy. The weight of time will therefore not be a problem for these great calcium pillars! You should know that very often, our food becomes its worst enemy … Take note, this will surely serve you!

The consequences of calcium losscalcium

  • Pain in the joints: shoulders, knees, hips, etc.
  • Tingling and cramping , especially at night, which deprives us of rest.
  • The nails become brittle.
  • High cholesterol and hypertension.
  • Arrhythmias and palpitations.
  • Dental problems.
  • Skin problems.
  • Numbness in the upper and lower limbs.
  • Osteoporosis.

Check Out This Article: How To Make A Calcium Rich Remedy For Osteoporosis

Guidelines for keeping calciumcalcium

Milk and yogurt are great for getting our daily intake of calcium.

  1. Diets high in fat make it difficult to absorb calcium. This is why we must avoid all foods that contain this element so bad for health.
  2. Proteins are needed to fix it. But be careful, consuming too much has the opposite effect and eliminates it! We must therefore have a balanced intake when we eat vegetables, dried fruits, lean meats, cod, dairy products …
  3. All foods rich in calcium lose their properties when cooked at high temperatures. It is the same when we dissolve them in water.
  4. When food is very acidic, such as in oriental cuisine, calcium loses its properties. We must therefore have a very strict balance in the way we eat. Especially if we consume sugar, dairy products, coffee, alcohol, fish, eggs… All these foods prevent it from attaching to the bones.
  5. Calcium needs vitamin D to be absorbed. Where can we find it? In salmon, in canned tuna in oil, in cereals and in natural yoghurts. Few foods contain vitamin D.

    We therefore recommend that you consume vitamin-based preparations that are sold in health food stores. You should also know that we can synthesize vitamin D by tanning in the sun. Going for a run or walking for an hour a day in the open air is therefore really beneficial!

  6. We need to maintain the balance between calcium and phosphorus intake . Phosphorus can be found in rice, cereals, artichokes, parsley, mushrooms, raisins and egg white.

Other tipscalcium

  • Fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin A and C are essential! They help us to synthesize and maintain calcium in our body. You can find them in lemons, oranges, kiwis, carrots, pineapples, melons, pumpkins, mangoes, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes …
  • You should consume at least three dairy products per day. Nutritionists recommend eating yogurt or fermented milk. In the latter the lactose disappears, the milk and therefore healthier and easier to digest. It can also be replaced with soy milk, which is much healthier.
  • You should also know that cooking fruits and vegetables destroys some of the vitamin C. Remember that it is essential for synthesizing calcium. Nutritionists recommend not to abuse cooked vegetables. It is better to eat them raw.
  • To give you an example of proper protein intake (remember that too much protein destroys calcium), we suggest consuming at least two daily rations, one should be meat, such as chicken (approx. 100 grams). The other should be a piece of blue fish (between 150 and 200 grams). In terms of proteins, these amounts are the most suitable for maintaining calcium.

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