Home Remedies To Fight Dandruff And Seborrhea

In addition to bringing shine to the hair, apple cider vinegar is a natural antiseptic that helps us eliminate fat and reduce hair loss. dandruff.

Two very common scalp problems are dandruff and seborrhea. These problems can affect anyone, and at any age. These are pathologies that can be very annoying and cause a lot of inconvenience to people who suffer from them.

When dandruff occurs as dander, the scalp may be dry.  This is why we find small white particles on the shoulders, which are very visible if we wear dark clothes.

In addition, people who suffer from it may have difficulty having their hair loose. In the case of seborrhea, the problem is more serious because scabs form on the scalp which flake off. They then cause redness, itching and other types of infections.  

What causes dandruff?

Dandruff can be caused by different factors, the most important of which are:

  • presence of a fungus
  • bad nutrition
  • excess stress
  • use of treatments and chemicals (like dyes, for example)

We are going to recommend you, in this article, several very effective home remedies to improve the condition of your scalp.

Reduce symptoms of seborrhea with pure honey

A very effective home remedy can be made from pure bee honey. Indeed, according to some scientific studies, honey has a curative power on this scalp problem.

A sample of people with this problem were tested. They were thus treated with a honey-based treatment which improved the condition of their scalp in a short time.

To achieve this remedy, you must first mix 90% pure honey with 10% lukewarm water and then apply it all to the scalp, performing a small massage.

Then cover your head with a towel and let sit for at least three hours. Then rinse it off with lukewarm water. The treatment should be done every day for a month, then once a week for six months.

With treatment, the problem will gradually go away, and all complications will be gone after six months.

Recommended additional treatments

Dandelion to fight dandruff

  • First prepare an infusion with dandelion branches in a little water brought to the boil. Let cool and drink. You need to drink this preparation three times a day until you get the desired results.
  • Another ideal infusion for this type of scalp problem is made with horsetail, and is done in the same way. However, you will need a spoonful of this herb in dry form for every cup of water. Drink it once a day.
  • If your hair becomes too oily, you can bring a liter of water to a boil with a tuft of cypress branches. Let cool and massage your scalp after washing your hair as usual.
  • People who suffer from this scalp problem should be careful with their diet, so as not to make these symptoms worse.

They should avoid foods high in fat, such as fried, processed foods and sauces as much as possible. Your best bet is to eat plenty of vegetables, especially those that are high in selenium and zinc. This is the case with cucumber, squash, onion, asparagus, eggplant, figs and walnuts.

Home remedies for dandruff

Apple vinegar

  • To reduce the production of dandruff, you can rub with apple vinegar, applying it directly to the scalp and performing small massages with your fingers. Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water. You can do this two to three times a week.
  • Tea tree essential oil can also be an effective remedy, as it contains antibacterial, antiseptic, antimycotic, and antibiotic properties.
  • One home remedy that brings dramatic results in no time is one that consists of apple cider vinegar, rosemary, and mint. To prepare it, use a quart of apple cider vinegar, fresh sprigs of rosemary, and a fresh sprig of mint. Mix everything in a bottle with a cap, close well and let stand in a dark place at room temperature. After letting it sit for at least twenty days, strain and return to the bottle. Massage yourself with this mixture on the scalp and leave on for fifteen to twenty minutes, then wash your hair as usual
  • It is recommended to wash your hair frequently to avoid the formation of fats which can worsen the appearance and condition of the scalp.

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