Home Remedies For A Good Smell In The Kitchen And Bathroom

In addition to cleaning, keeping the bathroom and kitchen well ventilated is one of the keys to preventing the build-up of bad smells.

Many people strive to have a home and atmosphere free from germs and bad smells, but it is not always easy. Cooking, for example, generates gases and wastes that adhere to surfaces. This leaves unpleasant aromas.

In the toilet, abnormalities and breakdowns can cause annoying situations. How to cope ? Prepare these remedies to get a good smell in the kitchen and bathroom.

The kitchen is one of the most popular and used places in the house. In this place all kinds of vapors condense, some pleasant and others not so much.

Waste decomposes. The sometimes invisible layer of dirt can become a risk to physical and emotional health.

In the bathroom, the main enemy is humidity. The space remains closed, with little ventilation, there are wet towels, and the unused pipes have a bad smell.

Air fresheners, for the most part, affect the environment. However, there are some tips you can use to deodorize.

Solutions to obtain a good smell in the kitchen and the bathroom

how to eliminate the bad smell in the kitchen

Before, during and after cooking, it is necessary to ventilate the room and dispose of waste. Then you have to make sure that the strong smells are not permeated all over the place.

To do this, turn on the extractor, but also follow one or more of these practical and simple tips:

  • Herbal teas: in the kitchen we have good allies, among them vinegar, baking soda and orange or tangerine zest. Just place them in water and boil them for a few minutes, to achieve the desired effect.
  • Lemon: the lemon zest can be placed in a container with water and then in the oven in the microwave to eliminate bad odors. In addition, the juice is great for removing and cleaning up grease in the kitchen.
  • Spices: cloves, cinnamon and vanilla are ideal for humidifying the environment. Cinnamon has a relaxing and gentle effect. And the essence of vanilla mixed with a little water is used to clean furniture and floors.
  • Coffee: Whole coffee beans placed in the corners of the kitchen, as well as fresh coffee, prevent bad smell. The coffee sends out a pleasant aroma that will spread throughout the house.
  • Plants: some species such as thyme, rosemary, mint and basil, planted in small pots, provide a natural aroma.
  • Home Deodorants: Spice infusions can be placed in a sprayer and sprayed easily. For example, citrus fruits (orange or lemon) combine very well with cinnamon powder and white vinegar.
  • Cleaning: especially the refrigerator; it should be cleaned regularly. The air can be renewed by placing a lemon or orange inside, cut in half.

Goodbye to bad smells in the bathroom

how to eliminate bad smell in the bathroom

It is not enough to have a nice and comfortable home if there is a bad smell in the bathroom. To compensate for this situation, you should frequently clean and take care of the house with these remedies:

  • Put a damper on humidity: the right smell in the bathroom will depend on an essential factor such as preventing humidity. For this we can put a few small portions of rice, chalk or charcoal in a container.
  • Dry the towels: it is important to hang them up after each use. Keeping them moist will give them a bad smell. Change them every week, wash them and soften them with a little vinegar.
  • Flavor with natural essences: dried flower petals are ideal for flavoring. To do this, simply mix them and place them in a bowl or sachet. You can flavor their scent with alcohol or rose oil.
  • The peel of the orange and lemon are also useful in this part of the house, especially with coarse salt.
  • Take advantage of the power of bicarbonate: this product is an odor neutralizer par excellence. It is used to sprinkle on curtains, rugs, shelves and even shoes that trap moisture.
  • Use vinegar: vinegar, in addition to eliminating odors, leaves tiles clean and shiny. It stops and eliminates the production of fungi and molds, common in this place.

Getting a good smell in the kitchen and the bathroom is not that complicated. The key is in cleaning up and using all of these resources. These are economical solutions which give satisfactory results.

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