Hand Pain: What Is It Due To?

Do you suffer from pain in your hands and wrists? Discover here the possible causes at the origin of these pains as well as some natural remedies to relieve these ailments.

The hand is one of the most complex areas of the body : it includes many bones, muscles, and joints! The perfect functioning of the hands can therefore be easily compromised.

Usually, these pains affect women more  and can block hand movements. Numbness, swelling, or a feeling of weakness are some symptoms.

Find out here what are the common causes of pain and what remedies can relieve these ailments.

Hand and Wrist Pain: Why Does It Affect Women More?

Hand pain may indicate osteoarthritis

Hand pain is a very common ailment. As the hands are always in motion, it is not surprising that they are damaged more quickly than the other members of the body.

The symptoms mentioned above are normally due to a degenerative disease to which women are more prone. The cartilage and women hand bones deteriorate faster than men.

Women tend to lack more calcium.  As menopause approaches, these pains often have a hormonal cause. It is also necessary to take into account the hereditary factor.

Factors behind hand and wrist pain

Osteoarthritis of the thumb

The thumb is an area frequently affected by osteoarthritis, a disease responsible for the deterioration of the joints.

Usually, this disease makes its appearance around the age of forty. Stress and intense efforts are two factors that can explain its appearance.

It is a painful condition that reduces mobility.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome usually manifests as indefinable pain, discomfort in the wrist. Gradually, this discomfort spreads to the hand and the arm.

This syndrome causes tingling and numbness in the fingers at night. Griping objects becomes difficult, and fine motor skills are lost (the ability to pick up or handle small objects).

The factors causing this syndrome may be the following:

  • performing a repeated gesture that involves continuous pressure of the hand
  • continuous work on a keyboard
  • constant finger movement

The ganglion cyst

Ganglion cyst is a bump under the skin that is filled with fluids. This bump appears on the wrists or fingers.

Although not painful, this cyst is bothersome. The origin of this condition is not yet fully understood, but it is associated with osteoarthritis or small hidden lesions in the joints and tendons.

Treatment varies depending on the case. Sometimes the cyst will go away on its own. In other cases, a small intervention is needed to remove the fluid, but the cyst may come back later.

The trigger finger

Trigger finger, a very common condition, is a painful blockage of a finger that remains in a bent position.

This is caused by a thickening of the lining or synovial sheath that surrounds the tendon of the finger in question.

Trigger finger particularly affects people who do manual work or who have to do repetitive gestures.

Tendonitis of the wrist

Hand pain may indicate wrist tendonitis

Tendonitis is inflammation of the tendons that manifests as swelling below the base of the thumb and pain when grabbing an object or squeezing your fingers.

This condition is due to a wrong movement or to an overload. The inflammation is very painful and can even spread to the arm.

4 natural remedies to relieve hand pain

Surgery does not always give the desired results. Despite everything, it is possible to improve the symptoms of the mentioned diseases and thus to have a decent quality of life.

Your doctor will make a diagnosis and tell you what rules to follow. As for us, we offer you some simple advice related to diet that will relieve your pain and inflammation.

Flax seed oil

It is an effective natural remedy for treating inflammation. Taking a tablespoon of flax seed oil every morning for a month significantly decreases inflammation.

Vitamin B6

Essential for joints, bones, and tendons, this vitamin reduces inflammation and relieves pain symptoms in the hands and wrists.

You can also find it in the form of capsules in pharmacies or in health food stores. The dose to take is 2 mg per day.


Many fish are rich in omega-3 acids. Thanks to their anti-inflammatory action, omega-3s have an essential role in the natural treatment of osteoarthritis. They also relieve joint pain.

The cherries

Much research has shown the benefits of cherries on pain caused by osteoarthritis. The consumption of cherries promotes greater mobility.

If you cannot find any or consider them to be overpriced, they are also marketed in capsule form for patients with joint problems and inflammation.

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