Green Asparagus Gazpacho: Tasty And Vegetarian Recipe

Green asparagus gazpacho is not only a delicious and original recipe, but it is also very suitable for purifying the body due to the diuretic properties of its main ingredient.

The advantage of vegetarian recipes is that they allow you to get the most out of the ingredients. However, they are also a challenge to the imagination when preparing. That is why, in this article, we want to teach you how to make a green asparagus gazpacho.

All the benefits of gazpacho combined with the best of asparagus. Indeed, remember that asparagus brings an unsuspected benefit to your body: they are purifying! And, as if that weren’t enough, they also help you shed extra pounds.

In addition, as a cold soup, green asparagus gazpacho is excellent to consume with a light meal loaded with protein. Much of this is due to the elements in the recipe, especially the soup, which is high in vitamins and low in calories.

But, what makes this preparation so special? Quite simply the fact that you can prepare it in a few minutes!

It is usually served with slices of bread and is eaten at room temperature. Hence the term “cold cream” or “cold soup”. It’s so delicious that no matter where you live, you’ll find pleasure in it with every bite.

As you will see, this recipe is not complicated and you can easily prepare it in under 30 minutes. Gazpacho also makes a delicious nutritional contribution to your health. However, this recipe is different from the traditional Andalusian gazpacho. That is, this version is an adaptation for vegetarians. There are some substantial changes from the original:

  • This recipe does not include tomato sauce
  • It also does not include cucumber or peppers

You can also add pieces of bread, if this is compatible with your diet. However, it is above all  the flavor of the ingredients that make this green asparagus gazpacho so special and so healthy.

Green asparagus gazpacho recipe

Why asparagus? What are their contributions to health?

green asparagus gazpacho recipe

Asparagus belong to the group of so-called “herbaceous” plants; they are therefore a vegetable. But make no mistake: this is not just any type of vegetable. This is because the type of asparagus you will use for this recipe is well known and provides significant health benefits for the body.

Green asparagus is a substitute for tomato in this preparation, as it helps your body to cleanse the accumulated impurities. In addition, it allows the taste of the vegetable not to interfere with the soup or other ingredients.


ingredients needed to prepare the green asparagus gazpacho

  • 1 bunch of wild asparagus (180 g)
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of white wine (15 ml)
  • 2 cups of filtered water (500 ml)
  • 1 large or 2 medium potatoes (180 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (30 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of sherry vinegar (30 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt (15 g)


  1. Start by cleaning the asparagus well. Remember that these are sometimes covered with soil  when you buy them and you need to clean them as best as possible.
  2. Cut them finely and set aside. Do not throw anything away.
  3. Then add a few drops of olive oil to a saucepan and, once at temperature, brown the asparagus a little until it gives off an aroma.
  4. When finished cooking, place them in a blender and also add the garlic, wine and water.
  5. Mix for a few minutes until you obtain a more or less homogeneous cream. Pass the contents through a sieve and you will notice the asparagus sprigs weighing in the deposit.
  6. Then add the egg yolk, salt and sherry vinegar and beat again.  During mixing, also add the oil. Once mixed, store the gazpacho in the refrigerator.
  7. Finally, peel and cut the potatoes and put them in the pan to fry them. Once fried, add the tips of the asparagus that you have preserved and fry them too.
  8. Finally, dice the egg white to make a garnish that you can eat as an accompaniment to your green asparagus gazpacho.

If you want to adapt this recipe to make it vegan, just remove the egg. Enjoy your meal !

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