Ginger Pain Relief

This ginger and olive oil remedy has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which help relieve pain. This remedy can be consumed or applied topically.

Thanks to the properties of its ingredients, this ginger remedy is one of the best home remedies for pain relief. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic.

Ginger is an important source of calcium, essential oils, amino acids, phosphorus and vitamins B and C. Ginger then helps strengthen the immune system.

This spice contains gingerol, a component that helps fight ovarian cancer and colon cancer.

This spice also acts as a powerful expectorant in cases of bronchitis, asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system.

Ginger also has regenerative and aphrodisiac properties.

Ginger root is used as a seasoning in some dishes for its tangy touch. Its delicious smell is appreciated for making natural flavorings.

It is also good to know that the smell of this remedy repels mosquitoes and other disease-carrying insects.

Ginger remedy: the recipe

a ginger remedy to improve blood circulation


  • 1 cup of fresh ginger (150 g)
  • 1 cup of olive oil (250 ml)


  • Wash the ginger well and let it dry for two hours.
  • Pour the oil into an oven container.
  • Cut the ginger without peeling the skin and grate it.
  • Stir in the ginger in the container where the olive oil is.
  • Mix the two ingredients well.
  • Heat the mixture in the oven to 150 degrees Celsius.
  • When the mixture is cold, filter it to remove the ginger residue. Drain well so that no oil remains on the fabric.
  • Pour this preparation into a bottle and store it in a cool, dry place. The oil has a shelf life of six months.

Ginger remedy: the different uses

ginger remedy to treat inflammation

It is important to stick to the recommended dose. The amount needed will depend on the type of pain.

Stomach and intestines

Ginger helps treat dyspepsia and relieve gas, stomach spasms, and indigestion.

This remedy is also indicated in cases of food poisoning, infection of the intestines and even shigellosis.

This remedy also helps to open the appetite.

Arthritis and muscle pain

This remedy revitalizes the body and the mind. It is enough to drink two or three drops per day.

If you want to relieve muscle pain, back pain, and arthritis, you can apply this remedy topically with a gentle massage. Three drops are enough.

From flatulence to bronchitis

If you are suffering from diarrhea or gas, a massage on the abdomen with a drop of this remedy is a good solution.

In case of sore throat or sinusitis, we recommend that you inhale three drops using a diffuser.

This syrup helps fight bronchitis, asthma, coughs, dyspnea and the flu. It also helps clear mucus in the lungs and throat.

The aesthetic aspect

This remedy helps in removing wrinkles and stretch marks. Three drops on the affected areas are enough.

The regenerative properties of ginger repair damaged skin.

Cholesterol and hypertension

Consumption of this remedy minimizes the risk of suffering from hypertension.

This remedy also helps fight bad cholesterol  (LDL) in the blood and lowers the risk of blood clots. It is also an ideal remedy for preventing heart disease.

Generally speaking, consuming two or four drops of this ginger remedy helps prevent chronic disease.

As you have seen, the benefits of ginger are numerous. It is a powerful natural medicine thanks to its antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It is an ideal ally for preserving one’s health.

Having this remedy on hand at home is a wise decision. This remedy is very easy to prepare and the ingredients are very easy to find.

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