Foods To Eat For Healthy Skin

With a healthy diet, you can have younger and more radiant skin. Chocolate, nuts and broccoli provide essential nutrients for healthy skin.

You can use all the creams and take the most expensive treatments in the world, however, to have healthy skin, diet is essential.

In the following article, we’ll tell you which foods you should not miss at your table every day to look good on the outside and feel better on the inside.

What foods are recommended for healthy skin?

Good nutrition is essential for our health. But not only for the prevention or treatment of diseases, but also for aesthetics and beauty. The dermis needs a lot of nutrients to produce collagen and exert its protective action.

With a healthy and balanced diet, you can have younger and more radiant skin. Of course, you should add to that physical exercise and some periodic treatments such as exfoliations and deep cleansing of the skin.

1. Chocolate

Chocolate for healthy skin.
For some, this delicious treat is “off limits” because they – they are on a diet or because they have been told it is bad for their health.

However, we must be clear: it all depends on the fat and milk content of the recipe. That is why we recommend eating bitter chocolate (with a higher percentage of cocoa).

Chocolate contains flavonoids, antioxidants, and beneficial fatty acids that hydrate the skin. They give it greater elasticity and nourish it in depth.

In addition, its components delay premature aging and protect the dermis from the action of ultraviolet rays.

2. Olive oil

It is one of the most beneficial oils that exist. The good news is that it is present in the “Mediterranean diet”, so it’s very easy to make.

It provides a healthy dose of omega-3 and 6 and vitamin E and K. These nutrients act as antioxidants, removing toxins from the body and leaving the skin more beautiful.

We recommend that you use it raw to season salads and other dishes. Always choose extra virgin olive oil because it contains more polyphenols that fight against cell oxidation.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli for healthy skin.

In fact, the whole cabbage or cruciferous family helps us have healthy skin. This is due to the amount of antioxidants and vitamins they contain.

In the case of broccoli, its high content of vitamin C allows a greater production of collagen, which makes the dermis more flexible.

It also contains vitamin E which protects cell membranes from UV rays. It can be consumed in different ways: in salads, in pies, with cream or dressing.

4. Oily fish

Within this group we can highlight salmon, tuna, sardines and herring. All of them are a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, an essential nutrient for repairing damaged skin cells.

They also give the skin elasticity and suppleness, while reducing wrinkles.

5. Dried fruits

Dried fruits for healthy skin.

If you want to have blemish-free and smooth skin, there is nothing better than dried fruits, like almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts.

They contain a good amount of vitamin E which neutralizes the harmful actions of free radicals (responsible for the opacification of the dermis).

In the particular case of almonds, it should be noted that they provide us with vitamins A, E and F which reduce premature aging. They also contain folic acid, which is ideal for oily and acne-prone skin.

And that’s not all: zinc reduces the degeneration of elastic fibers and increases water retention by preventing cell dehydration.

6. Carrots

One of the main characteristics of this popular orange vegetable is that it contains a good dose of beta-carotene. This antioxidant converts into vitamin A in the body and helps repair tissues and protect cells from damage caused by too much sun.

7. Red pepper

Red pepper for healthy skin.

Like carrots, peppers contain a lot of beta-carotene (which is why they are red in color). They also provide vitamins B6 and C which promote blood flow to the dermis.

And also prevent the appearance of wrinkles and acne, by acting as powerful antioxidants. They are great for giving you healthy, smooth and youthful skin. Another vegetable with similar properties is tomato.

8. Fruits

Most fruits are good for the skin. This is because they provide a good amount of water, fiber, and phytochemicals that maintain hydration while flushing out toxins. We can also recommend apple, watermelon, pear and melon.

Best of all, they provide almost no calories. They satiate and are thirst-quenching. Therefore, they should not be missing from your diet.

We also advise you to consume more citrus fruits such as lemon (especially on an empty stomach). Because it allows you to get rid of the waste that clogs the pores and helps you to have radiant skin.

9. Whole grains and seeds

Whole grains for healthy skin.

To have healthy skin, we also need a healthy dose of selenium. This mineral is found in cereals, that is to say, unprocessed flour.

Selenium protects the skin from environmental pollution and sunlight. It also promotes elasticity and suppleness of the skin.

As for the seeds, the most beneficial are those of the pumpkin seeds. Because they provide beta-carotene and zinc. These two nutrients protect cell membranes and increase collagen production.

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