Foods That Promote Fatigue And Those That Give Energy

If during the day you feel tired, lack energy or have difficulty concentrating, it may be due to your diet.

Various factors can be at the origin of the fatigue felt during the day: stress, little rest, sedentary lifestyle. But also know that food plays a role. We invite you to discover which foods promote fatigue and which, conversely, provide energy.

An unbalanced diet high in fats and refined sugars can cause physical and mental fatigue. A diet with these characteristics is generally deficient in vitamins and minerals.

What foods promote fatigue?


Excess calories and an abundant amount of food overload the digestive system and force the body to concentrate on this task. This subtracts energy from the body, causing fatigue that makes it difficult to perform activities.

Foods that usually cause fatigue are:

  • Prepared meals. They have a high content of flour, salt and sugar, in addition to a good flavor. The body has to make a great effort to digest them, which leads to heavier digestion than normal.
  • Carbohydrates. White bread, white rice, pasta and cookies can give an energy boost, but then they produce drowsiness, sluggishness and fatigue.
  • Refined sugar. When eating foods that contain sugar, the pancreas begins to pump insulin. With this, the energy increases, but it quickly disappears. This is the case with pastries, cakes, chocolates, ice creams.
  • Caffeine. It generates hyperactivity because it is a stimulating drink. Energetically it activates the functions of the body, but you cannot abuse it. It produces insomnia, fatigue, and in some people it can cause digestive problems.
  • Alcohol. It is a natural depressant of the nervous system. Its consumption affects neurotransmitters, making nerve impulses longer to reach the brain. Its consumption increases fatigue.
  • Poor hydration. Water consumption is essential. Symptoms of poor hydration are headaches, difficulty concentrating, heaviness, among others.

It is important to make a better choice of food. Choose those that contain nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants so that we can have good digestion and generate the energy needed to perform daily tasks and exercise.

What foods balance the body?bread

Foods that balance the body are rich nutrients that provide stable energy, help overcome fatigue, and keep the nervous system in good working order.

  • Whole grains, oats, rice, millet, rye.
  • The legumes are an excellent source of carbohydrates which provide protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
  • Vegetables, especially those with green leaves, rich in magnesium, calcium and trace elements.
  • The seeds, which have a high concentration of essential fatty acids such as omega 3 and omega 6. Example: pumpkin, flax, walnuts, sunflower, almonds.
  • Fruits are energy generators par excellence. They contain sugars, but also fibers of excellent quality. In addition, they contain a lot of water, are easily digested, and are very energetic.

Additional tips to avoid promoting physical and emotional fatigue

Chronic fatigue

  • Eat breakfast so you don’t feel hungry. Eat a cup of cereal and fruit every morning.
  • Try to reduce stress to avoid spikes in  cortisol levels.
  • Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
  • Engage in physical activity and physical activities that relax you.
  • Include supplements that provide energy such as ginseng or royal jelly in your diet. Ced foods contain vitamins and minerals which also serve as antioxidants.
  • Take herbal teas that help energize your body.
  • Rest for half an hour during the day, this is usually very restorative. And if you have the option, take a nap after eating.
  • Don’t be so demanding of yourself. Be more flexible, give yourself more permissions in different areas of your life.
  • Review your priorities and keep your personal needs in mind. Don’t leave them last on your to-do list.
  • See a psychologist if you have depressive symptoms or if you cannot overcome personal conflicts. This professional can help you find solutions.

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