Exercises And Routines That Help You With Telework

To have a good professional performance with telework, it is recommended to plan the schedules and establish some routines. In this article, we give you some recommendations. Put them into practice!

Currently, due to the coronavirus pandemic, many people have been sent home to telecommute. This consists of continuing to perform all the tasks of their job through a computer or in any other way.

However, telecommuting is not easy. By itself, there are already many jobs that do not even allow this option. Those who can do so are also not exempt from encountering problems and difficulties.

Following a correct routine while being at home is more complex, as we have complete freedom of schedules and activities. The distractions are much more important and the level of concentration often decreases noticeably.

In this article, therefore, we are going to walk you through a series of exercises and routines that can help you overcome days of confinement. So you can continue to work from home without risking not completing all your tasks.

The necessary conditions for teleworking

A woman teleworking

To be able to telecommute, it is essential to have a good agreement with your company or your employers. It is necessary to reach an agreement on the work that will be done, on how you will communicate with each other and on the expected results.

When working from home, it is recommended to always be connected and accessible. That is, members of the same company can continue to communicate with each other. To do this, it is necessary to have a good WI-FI connection or sufficient coverage.

In addition, there are many platforms that allow us to interact remotely. For example, video calling programs such as Skype make it possible to organize conferences or meetings. The same goes for Whatsapp .

In reality, this is an essential point. Experts recommend at least three videoconference meetings per day. While they may seem overkill, they can be useful for starting labor, following up, and closing the day.

Choose the right place to telecommute

Where you telecommute will be very important. When we are at home we must be aware that you have to divide the spaces correctly. We cannot mix rest and relaxation areas with work areas.

To choose our own office, we must take into account that the place must be well communicated, as we have already mentioned. In addition, we must have all the necessary elements to work. For example, paper, pens, computer, etc.

It is totally inadvisable to telecommute from the bed or the sofa. Likewise, we must avoid having distractions such as television nearby. Ideally, this place should be used every day to carry out our tasks and therefore be an available space.

If there are children at home, it is best to establish a routine for them as well. By stimulating them with books or homework, they will be able to reach a higher level of concentration. However, it is also important that they take breaks, as they do at school.

Prepare your schedule

A working woman

To be able to telework properly, it is advisable to respect fixed schedules, as in any face-to-face work. It is best to continue with the hygiene routine, such as taking a shower and getting dressed, before starting to work. These small gestures will help us become aware of the day.

In addition, if you can manage to maintain good concentration, it is very likely that with telecommuting, you will have more time for your leisure activities. Do not hesitate to integrate an exercise program into your daily life.

Sport can help you improve your performance. It also allows you to clear your mind and improve your health. You have to keep in mind that telecommuting is, in a way, a way of life, and therefore it is important to pay attention to all of your habits.

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