Everything You Maybe Didn’t Know About Eggs

It is recommended to wash food well before handling it for cooking. However, we must not wash the eggs so as not to damage the shell that protects them.

The egg is a very common ingredient in our diet, and has the advantage of containing many nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and proteins. Find out more about eggs.

Unfortunately, our body cannot manufacture these nutrients on its own, which is why we must provide it with these vitamins, proteins and minerals every day while keeping a relatively low caloric intake.

This food is essential for certain parts of the population such as, adolescents, pregnant women, the elderly, vegetarians and people on a low calorie diet.

And since this food is very important for our health, because it is very nutritious, today we bring you a list of things that you did not know – maybe – not about eggs.

The color of the eggs is determined by the color of the hen that lays them. Also, if the hen is brown in color, she will necessarily lay eggs of that color. On the contrary, if the hen is white, the shell will be white. This is a genetic factor.

How to know if an egg is fresh?

Contrary to popular belief, knowing if an egg is fresh is very easy. It suffices to immerse it in water and check if it floats. If it remains at the bottom of the water, it means that it is still consumable.

How To Make Healthy Egg Recipes

By frying an egg, we add a lot of fat to it, which tends to alter its nutritional properties. This is why the ideal would be to cook it in water for about ten minutes. In order not to modify any of its nutrients.

The yellows

Tips on eggs.

We have all seen yellows a little lighter than others. This is in fact due to the diet of the hen, as well as its breeding method: on the farm, in the open air, or in a cage.

Consuming eggs in pregnant women

It is very important for pregnant women to consume eggs. Indeed, being rich in choline, a nutrient from the B vitamin family, the egg promotes baby’s brain development.

The benefits of the egg for the elderly

Eggs have a lot of benefits for the elderly. For example, they prevent the loss of vision due to age, cataract problems or the loss of muscle mass.

Egg production and consumption

Advice on eggs.

Each year about 1.2 trillion eggs are produced, and an average person consumes  173 eggs per year, of which 40% of the world production is consumed in China.

How many eggs can a hen produce?

We have all wondered how many eggs a hen can produce. On average, a hen can lay between 250 and 270 eggs per year. Although in some special cases a hen can produce up to 300 eggs per year.

The size of an egg

Most of the time, we don’t know why an egg is bigger or smaller. The difference in size is usually due to the age of the hen, in fact, the older the hen is, the more likely it is to lay large eggs.

How long is an egg consumable?

Information about eggs.

Egg white also contains vitamins, although 90% of its weight is water. You can eat eggs for as long as you want, as long as they haven’t gone past 10 weeks. After this time, it is better to throw them away.

Can we wash eggs?

It is not advisable to wash eggs. Indeed, it tends to damage the shell on the eggs which acts as a barrier to the entry of certain microorganisms that can alter the egg and cause disease. If you want to wash your eggs, do so an hour before preparing them to avoid contamination.

Can we eat eggs if they are a little damaged?

This is not very recommended, indeed if the shell presents cracks it then allows certain microorganisms to pass into the egg, thus causing the risk of making it unfit for consumption.

Sometimes the cracks on the eggs can be so small that we cannot see them, which is why you have to be very careful before consuming eggs. This will prevent any risk of food poisoning.

Remember this information about eggs

Eating one more egg will not cause any negative effects to your diet or to your body. You just have to pay attention to the way of preparing it, because it is indeed the method of preparation that can cause the most important modifications to the product.

The most obvious example is that of the egg cooked in water compared to the fried egg. Which do you think is the less healthy of the two? The second option of course. However, this should not prevent you from eating an egg for breakfast!

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