Enjoy A Healthy And Delicious Salad Every Day Of The Week

The healthy salad is a dish that admits many ingredients and modifications so as not to get bored with classic combinations.

Salad is an essential dish in a healthy and balanced diet.

Many people prefer to opt for other more appetizing entrees. However, salad can be a delicious alternative if we are looking for different and original recipes for every day.

Discover in this article 7 ideas of delicious salads to enjoy a different one every day of the week, as well as their properties for health.

How to season a healthy salad

Before listing the 7 salads, let’s tell you about the healthiest seasoning:

  • A high quality vegetable oil, first cold pressing: olive, sesame, coconut, dried fruits.
  • Apple vinegar or lemon juice.
  • Sea salt in moderation. We will always avoid table salt, which is only sodium chloride without any mineral richness, unlike sea salt.

A salad for each day of the week

1. Arugula, cucumber, pear and pine nuts

Healthy salad with cucumber.

This salad is refreshing and above all, it helps us eliminate excess fluids that accumulate in our body and cause swelling, thanks to the diuretic properties of cucumber and pear.

Arugula, known for its slight bitter and pungent flavor, supports liver function. In that sense, this salad is excellent to compensate for the excesses of the weekend.

Finally, pine nuts enrich this salad with a dose of protein, minerals and essential omega 6 fatty acids.

2. Healthy salad of lentils, watercress and sprouted seeds

This lentil salad can work wonderfully as a single dish if we wish, thanks to its comprehensive nutritional values.

It is rich in proteins of plant origin, minerals and amino acids, and has the quality of improving the natural defenses of our body to prevent infections.

It is also a very antioxidant, depurative and diuretic salad, also ideal for recovering after the culinary deviations of the weekend, because it will bring us a lot of energy and vitality.

3. Endives, Roquefort and walnuts

This delicious salad will bring us full of optimism and joy in the middle of the week. The combination of these three ingredients is common in many restaurants that know customers love it.

The fresh and bitter note of endive blends wonderfully with the creaminess and taste of Roquefort, while the nuts add crispness.

The most usual way to present it is by opening the whole endive leaves, filled with cheese and crushed walnuts.

4. Healthy coleslaw, carrot and beetroot salad

The Thursday salad is very nutritious and will give us plenty of energy to face the weekend with joy. In addition, it is excellent for regulating the function of the digestive system and preventing nutritional deficiencies such as anemia.

  • This salad is prepared by grating the three ingredients and seasoning them before the meal (at least an hour before), in order to soften the cabbage.
  • In this way, we will obtain a dish full of color and flavor, ideal to accompany meats and fish.

5. Tomato, garlic and mozzarella

Healthy tomato salad.

This salad with Italian flavors is very easy to prepare, and perfect for Friday when we don’t have much time to cook.

Tomato and mozzarella are a classic combination. However, we suggest you season it with very fine minced garlic or rubbed on the dish before adding the ingredients.

We can also add fresh basil leaves.

6. Healthy avocado, pepper and onion salad

Avocado could not be missing in our salads, because this tropical fruit is a real superfood, loaded with vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, proteins and fibers.

We suggest you crush the avocado to prepare a salad of the guacamole type, with chopped onion and pepper.

We can accompany it with small toast or salted crisps. Wouldn’t that be an ideal salad for Saturday night?

7. The healthy salad of lettuce, asparagus, tuna and hard-boiled egg

Healthy lettuce salad.

The Sunday salad is classic and hearty. We are faced with a full dish to relax and enjoy the last day of the week without hurrying.

  • To the traditional lettuce, which has sedative properties, we add two portions of animal protein, which are tuna and hard-boiled egg.
  • Asparagus will bring juice to this dish while offering us their diuretic properties.
  • We can season it with homemade mayonnaise.

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