Does Sugar Really Improve Our Mental Performance?

Although glucose is the brain’s main fuel, exogenous supply of this nutrient is not necessary for it to function properly. Don’t miss this article!

Until recently, the phrase “sugar improves mental performance” was believed to be true. However, recent studies dispute this claim. We know that the body itself has very efficient mechanisms for supplying glucose to the brain. And this even without consuming sugar.

The brain depends on a continuous supply of glucose from the bloodstream to maintain its activity. Therefore, it competes with the rest of the body’s organs for glucose when glucose levels drop. If this happens, the following mechanisms occur:

  • First of all, glucose is removed from the blood
  • Second, the amount of glucose received by the rest of the body’s cells is limited

On the other hand, if the levels of glucose in the blood decrease due to a deficit of exogenous supply, mechanisms are put in place to obtain this nutrient.

The main mechanism is called gluconeogenesis and consists of the formation of glucose from proteins and fatty acids. It is an effective mechanism that helps maintain blood sugar on an empty stomach or in the absence of constant carbohydrate intake.

Sugar and its effects on the brain

Sugar consumption and memory

There are studies linking the administration of sugar with improving the functioning of short-term memory. They usually consist of drinking a sugary drink and the results show that intense mental tasks respond well to the administration of glucose.

Until recently, experts maintained that the brain works best with 25 grams of glucose circulating in the blood, about the amount contained in a banana. However, the latest articles conclude that people with better glucose tolerance have better memory scores.

This is essential for people with diabetes, where insulin resistance develops and blood sugar levels are not well tolerated. The body therefore has very efficient mechanisms capable of obtaining glucose from proteins and fatty acids to maintain constant blood sugar. In this way, a correct supply of glucose to the brain is possible and the correct cognitive performance is ensured.

On the other hand, it is clear that hydration plays an important role in cognitive skills. In this way, a slightly dehydrated person achieves poorer results for memory, concentration, attention, etc.

Is Refined Sugar Worse Than Complex Carbohydrates?

Some articles claim that consuming refined sugar leads to short-term post-pandrial memory loss. In addition, these contributions have been associated with cognitive deterioration and the onset of complex diseases.

On the other hand, the incidence of ADHD is higher in adolescents who eat a diet high in saturated fat and refined sugars than in those who eat a healthier diet.

Foods that increase brain performance

Although simple sugar can negatively affect cognitive function, there are other nutrients that can improve brain function. Caffeine, for example, is a natural stimulant that helps boost and maintain brain health.

Caffeine helps maintain brain health

Nitrites in foods like beets increase vasodilation and therefore blood flow to the brain. The main consequence is the increase in the supply of nutrients to the brain and the improvement of cognitive performance.

In addition, some vitamins, such as vitamin C, can affect brain performance and health. In particular, this helps prevent the deterioration that occurs in people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Conclusion: Does Sugar Improve Mental Performance?

Although glucose is the brain’s main fuel, an exogenous supply of this nutrient is not necessary for it to function properly. The body has very efficient mechanisms for obtaining glucose that ensure the maintenance of brain functions.

In fact, a large consumption of simple sugar is associated with a deterioration of cognitive functions and the development of complex diseases. So, in order to improve brain performance, it is better to eat foods rich in caffeine and nitrites, for example.

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