Do Not Miss To Discover All The Properties Of Aloe Vera For Your Health

Aloe is a succulent plant belonging to the Liliaceae family. Since ancient times, it has been used to treat many health problems and its benefits are still used today in many medical and cosmetic products. Discover all the properties of aloe vera for your health.

Aloe vera, or Barbados aloe, is a species belonging to the aloe family, known and used for thousands of years for its exceptional qualities, both medicinal and cosmetic.

Although the plant is now widely cultivated and used around the world, it is native to tropical and southern Africa, the Middle East, and several islands in the Indian Ocean.

The pulp of its leaves, the most used part of the plant, contains mainly water (99%) and a condensed amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This plant is certainly an essential ally in the fight against many health problems.

Easy to grow, this succulent plant has become in a few years the object of a real enterprise. From creams to dietary supplements, including healthy drinks. Without being miraculous, aloe vera-based products confer multiple virtues to the well-being of your health.

Aloe vera leaf extracts are used in the form of juice or enter into the composition of many cosmetics, dermatological products or food products in gel form. Aloe juice is contained in cells and flows spontaneously when the leaf is cut. Aloe gel is made up of the mucilage of polyhedral cells in the central region of the leaf.

Discover today in this article all the properties of aloe vera for your health.

The properties of aloe vera for health

the properties of aloe vera for health

Aloe vera is a plant that contains many qualities to take care of our health, both internally and externally. To enjoy all the benefits of aloe vera, we use the yellow latex taken from the outer layer of the leaves and the aloe vera gel, clear and mucilaginous, extracted from the inside of the aloe vera leaves.

Aloe vera is used to treat many ailments. It can be used both externally and orally as a dietary supplement. This plant contains 12 vitamins, 19 amino acids and 20 minerals that strengthen your body’s defenses. It is also rich in antioxidants, restores the intestinal flora and cleanses the digestive tract.

Aloe vera contains unique bioactive properties when consumed in its natural state. Commercial preparations can often contain other additives. That is why we recommend that you have one or more aloe vera plants at home. Besides, most people prefer to use it in its natural state, because it is the best way to benefit from the properties of aloe vera without running the risk of side effects.

You can also freeze the aloe vera gel to keep its active ingredients intact and enjoy its properties as on the first day. An extremely simple gesture that has many benefits for skin care and health. For ingestion of drinkable aloe vera gel or its latex, in liquid or capsules, you must follow the dosage indicated on the containers. When in doubt, it is best to always seek advice from your doctor.

Discover in more detail in this article all the properties of aloe vera to improve your health.

1. Aloe vera improves skin health

the properties of aloe vera for skin care

The main known benefits of aloe vera are dermatological. Its gel contains many elements that have  repairing and healing effects on the skin.

Certainly, the herbal remedy can be applied externally to relieve burns and insect bites and also to reduce any other skin irritation. Due to its high clotting power, it is a fabulous remedy for treating wounds and other skin lesions. On the other hand, this plant calms pain and prevents infection and the appearance of scars.

Aloe vera gel is a great cleanser for the skin. Thanks to its enzyme content, once applied, it allows for a very gentle exfoliation. This way, you will be able to remove dead cells without drying out your skin. In addition to its cleansing function, Aloe vera gel also contains antiseptic, antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

In this way, you will be able to prevent skin infections and combat various skin disorders. The antiseptic and moisturizing properties of aloe vera are an ally for skin care, especially in cases of acne. You can also use the virtues of its fatty acids to fight against certain skin allergies such as eczema.

The properties of aloe vera also make it possible to use it after waxing, on the face and to treat and prevent skin imperfections, such as small spots. In addition, applied regularly, aloe vera helps fight against cellular aging and the premature appearance of wrinkles.

Topical application of aloe vera gel helps prevent wrinkles caused by dehydration of the skin and prolonged exposure to the sun. In fact, aloe vera hydrates the skin, renews its elasticity and stimulates collagen regeneration.

Do not expose yourself to direct sunlight after applying aloe vera products, especially to the face, as symptoms may worsen. This treatment regenerates the skin cells, but you have to be patient because the results are visible in the long term.

2. Fights constipation

The gel found in the aloe vera plant is one of the oldest natural remedies for the control of constipation and other digestive disorders. So, oral consumption of aloe vera also takes care of your digestive system as it stimulates digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Its high fiber content, in addition to water, acts as a mild laxative. Thus, aloe vera  stimulates intestinal movement for optimal waste elimination. Like all stimulant laxatives, aloe latex should be limited to cases of acute and occasional constipation. In the long term, laxatives like aloe latex can cause intestinal polyps, which increases the risk of colorectal cancer.

Aloe latex is contraindicated in abdominal pain of unknown origin, pregnancy, intestinal obstruction, acute intestinal inflammation, appendicitis, ulcer, kidney problems, heart disease, nausea or vomiting. It is necessary to avoid consuming latex or aloe vera gel in drink at the same time as drugs with laxative effect or which lower the level of sugar and cholesterol.

3. Helps to have healthy hair

Found in many shampoos and conditioners, aloe vera gel is excellent for hair care.

This ingredient regulates skin pH and prevents excess dryness as well as imbalances in the sebaceous glands. Applying aloe vera to the hair is an effective solution against excessive dryness. Its nutrients repair weak strands and ends and protect the scalp against dandruff infections.

Aloe vera contains hydrating and repairing compounds that work on the scalp to promote healthy growth of new hair. The combination of antioxidants, essential fatty acids and vitamins counteracts the negative effects of free radicals on the hair.

The nourishing and moisturizing properties of aloe vera protect the hair and  repair weakened ends. They also calm itchy scalp, reduce dandruff and regenerate hair. Its benefits help to give more strength, smoothness and suppleness to the hair.

4. Promotes hygiene and oral health

The natural antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of aloe vera are extremely helpful for the health of the mouth and gums. The vitamins and minerals in this plant help heal bleeding gums and canker sores.

People who take corticosteroids and asthmatics who suffer from oral infections more easily can reduce them by using aloe vera gel.

Therefore, aloe vera juice can be used as a natural mouthwash. This method will also help you treat problems with dental hygiene, sensitive gums and bad breath.

5. Lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels

Aloe vera helps oxygenate the blood, increase red blood cells, and lower cholesterol levels. In addition, this plant helps to control blood pressure. Its fibers promote processes that replace sugars for energy, which prevents their retention in the blood. Its vitamins and minerals stimulate the cleaning of the arteries and exert an anti-inflammatory effect allowing to improve the blood circulation.

Several studies support the theory that regular consumption of aloe vera normalizes blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Likewise, aloe vera is also very beneficial for those suffering from high cholesterol.

The antioxidant compounds and liquid in this natural ingredient can help regulate cholesterol levels.  This plant will therefore be ideal for patients with hypercholesterolemia.

6. Reduces inflammation

Aloe vera is universally recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties thanks to the acids contained in the plant. Hence, it is used in external treatments such as burns.

This plant contains anti-inflammatory substances like campesterol, lupeol and beta-sitosterol. Their assimilation helps reduce swelling and pain associated with inflammation. These properties are excellent for patients with chronic conditions, the development of which is linked to inflammation.

In addition, aloe vera is recommended for arthritis, rheumatoid, ulcer or fever due to rheumatism.

7. Increases the body’s immune defenses

Our body works every day, without your realizing it, to fight pathogenic germs. To support the immune system, a healthy lifestyle and regular remedies based on aloe vera juice are the most effective allies.

Despite its considerable benefits, there are some contraindications you should take into account. Always consult your doctor before using this herb. 

Remember that you need to use aloe vera in a moderate way for best results. Also remember that any natural treatment requires patience and willpower. You will therefore need to arm yourself with these qualities and know how to use products containing aloe vera correctly in order to improve your health.

Aloe vera is an ancient plant that is even considered by many to be a panacea. The properties of aloe vera and its multiple benefits are found in many beauty and body care products. Including it in your daily diet will help you appreciate all the benefits. In this article, discover 6 ways to use aloe vera to improve your health.

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