Discover The Virtues Of Lukewarm Lemon Juice

Did you know that the vitamin C contained in lemon is the ideal ally for the health of your skin? It promotes the production of collagen and prevents the formation of wrinkles.

Nutrition experts claim that lukewarm lemon juice is a nutritious and healthy drink that can help us lose weight.

If lemon is acidic, it becomes alkaline when combined with water that is at a certain temperature. It then turns into a perfect ingredient to cleanse our body in depth.

Would you like to try the experience? In this article, we will explain all the benefits of lukewarm lemon juice to you. Take advantage of all its properties!

How does lukewarm lemon juice affect our body?

For good results, it is important that the lemon juice you are going to use is fresh (i.e. purposely extracted) and comes straight from the fruit. So don’t buy ready-made, bottled lemon juice.

The water should be lukewarm. If the water temperature is too high, the enzymes and nutrients in lukewarm lemon juice could be impaired. We can even say without too much doubt that the juice would no longer have any properties.

According to nutrition doctor Susan Brown, author of the book “Acid / Alkaline. The Food Guide ”, if a person follows a diet that is too acidic on a regular basis, their main organs (lungs, kidneys, etc.) will have to draw alkaline minerals from bones, tissues and muscles to balance the general pH of the body.

This reaction can lead to a deficit of calcium, potassium and magnesium throughout the body. From there, a certain bone and muscle fragility can be observed.

Thanks to the ingestion of lemon juice, you will be able to protect your body against excessive acidity of the blood and tissues.

What is lukewarm lemon juice used for?

Drinking a cup of lemon water on an empty stomach every morning can have many benefits.

To slim down

Lemon juice has fat burning properties that help you lose weight. It is especially useful for people who want to shed fat that may have accumulated around their waist and stomach.

Doctors tell us that this good habit allows us to carry out the detoxification process of the body’s waste, which often prevents us from reaching the weight we dream of.

It is also important to take into account that this is not a miraculous remedy that would allow you to lose weight in no time. Lemon juice is a great supplement if taken as part of a healthy diet and daily exercise routine.

Improve your digestion

If you have digestion problems, and you often feel bloated, lemon water can help. It will prevent you from feeling too heavy, and you will no longer feel pain or swelling in your stomach.

This citrus fruit has the power to improve the functioning of our digestive system, because the acids and enzymes it contains mix with those of the stomach, and facilitate the process of food degradation.

But that’s not all ! Lemon also helps reduce abdominal distension, gas and stomach acidity. You can consume it before or after your meals.

Fight constipation

People who suffer from bowel problems and constipation can reap all the benefits of drinking lukewarm lemon water, having a drink each morning before breakfast.

This drink will promote the movement of the stool and will hydrate them so that they can be expelled more easily.

Soothe urinary tract infections

Lemon is one of the most powerful fruits that exist to fight bacteria and infections. The fact that it is alkalizing gives it the ability to expel harmful microorganisms present in the urinary tract.

It is highly recommended for people who already suffer from urinary problems, but it can also be used as a preventive treatment.

Stimulate the liver

Thanks to its potassium content, lemon water dissolves uric acid, among other substances that poison this organ which is very valuable for our detoxification process. Its action is also effective in treating problems related to bile production (which often cause headaches, loss of appetite and constipation).

People with liver disease are advised to drink a glass of lukewarm lemon water one hour before breakfast every morning.

Treat bad breath

Halitosis is a very common problem. It is caused by bacteria that build up in the mouth. Lemon helps reduce bad breath every morning.

After drinking lukewarm lemon juice, it is essential to rinse your mouth with lukewarm water. To prevent the acidity of the citrus from damaging tooth enamel.

Strengthen the immune system

Lemon has a good amount of vitamin C. Known to be the most important nutrient for the prevention and treatment of colds. As well as any other disease of viral or bacterial origin.

When our levels of this vitamin drop drastically, we are more likely to get sick. To avoid this, nothing better than drinking a glass of lemon juice every morning.

If you have a sore throat, or if you feel some irritation in this part of your body, this fruit can be of great benefit to you. In this case, it is recommended to mix a little lemon juice with honey. And don’t hesitate to drink herbal infusions throughout the day.

Tone the skin

We will again talk about the virtues of vitamin C. But this time to talk about its ability to stimulate the production of collagen in our body. This virtue significantly improves the quality of our skin. By preventing the formation of wrinkles and fighting acne, at all ages.

If, in addition to a glass of lemon water in the morning, you consume a good amount of water during the day, you will prevent the dryness of your dermis and the appearance of classic imperfections. Like bags under the eyes or gray complexion.

Improve cardiovascular health

A study in Japan has shown that drinking lukewarm lemon water on an empty stomach improves systolic blood pressure, which reduces the risk of heart disease (such as heart attacks).

The e lemon is also anti-thrombotic, anti-ischemic and anti-oxidant, which is great for our heart. 

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