Discover 8 Amazing Object Shaped Pools

In this article, we present a selection of the most amazing object shaped pools to you. You will be surprised !

Creating swimming pools in the shape of an object has been a growing trend since the 1990s and, more specifically, since the 2010s.  It is a type of construction that takes an object as a reference. Usually the design responds to a specific theme. For example, a bone-shaped swimming pool is intended for canine use.

The extent of object-shaped pools can vary considerably. While some fit easily into small spaces, others need a large plot of land to take their full measure. Therefore, this type of pool does not have to be of a particular size, nor does it have to be Olympic size.

Swimming pools today are amazing. So if you thought you had seen it all before, be prepared to be surprised. Creativity has no limits!

Keep in mind that swimming pools with object shapes appear to be a response to a need in modern life.  50 years ago there were no swimming pools designed exclusively for recreation, sport and therapy for pets, for example.

Now they have other goals as well. The objective can be of type:

  • Recreational
  • Athletic
  • Decorative
  • Therapeutic (these may or may not include a hydrotherapy system)
  • Mixed

1. Shaped like a human foot

Foot-shaped swimming pool

This type of pool attracts a lot of attention. The shape of the toes is made up of circular figures and has several levels of depth. For example, the little finger will be the shallowest pool, which will make it ideal for younger children.

Thanks to the model’s proximity, people can interact even if they are in separate spaces. It is very useful for supervising children who have not yet learned to swim well.

2. With a form of musical instrument

Instrument shaped pool

Some object-shaped pools are exclusively decorative. They are usually found in large spaces.

In this specific case, a musical instrument was chosen: a violin. It also includes different types of lighting and green areas to achieve a much more striking effect.

3. Zen style

Zen swimming pool

Just as there are fountains and other decorative elements inspired by the Zen style, there are also swimming pools with Buddha heads, mandalas, etc. In this type of design, they are usually complemented by plants, stones and rocks.

The general perception is that of order, symmetry, definition and delicacy. In other words: harmony in its purest form.

4. Pools with invisible edges

These pools provide a certain air of infinity, amplitude and continuity. The optical illusion is its main charm, since the edge is placed on the environment itself.

This type of pool is ideal for terraces, rooftops and high places in the center of the city.

5. Irregularly shaped swimming pools with bridges

Other types of irregularly shaped swimming pools (more abstract, not necessarily objects) include bridges. This way you can choose to walk around the pool without entering it or access it through the bridge.

This type of swimming pool is very common in residential seaside resorts in Latin America. Typically, the bridge creates a division between two areas of a large swimming pool: a relaxation area and a recreation area.

As they are irregular, some have figures on the background, to make them more attractive. And, in general, the figures have marine motifs: dolphins, sea snails, fish, anchors, etc.

6. Swimming pools with a floating island

Swimming pool with a floating island

Some object-shaped pools, due to their space, offer vast possibilities for incorporating other elements .

In this case, an island or a floating kiosk has been added. This space is usually reserved for snacks and meetings.

7. Swimming pools with a specific theme and purpose

Bone shaped pool

Pools in the form of objects usually have a specific theme and purpose. This is the case with this bone-shaped basin specially designed for canine pets.

Although they can be used for therapeutic purposes, they are generally intended for exercise in dogs.

8. Zoomorphic pools

Zoomorphic pools are increasingly popular because of the fun of their design. They allow you to place tiles of different colors on the background to attract attention and create a visual effect that is simply brilliant.

Usually marine animals are used, but there can also be pools with fantastic animals, such as Chinese dragons.

9. Pools in height

Swimming pool in the air

This is one of the riskiest bets for architects and designers:  they are mostly found in luxury buildings and hotels.

The Joule is a hotel located in Texas City. The swimming pool is located on the roof terrace and forms a 2.5 meter balcony. From the edge, you can admire the streets of the city.

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