Diet To Treat Prediabetes: Allowed And Prohibited Foods

Prediabetes is a condition in which blood sugar levels increase, but are not high enough to be diabetes. A healthy diet and a variety of foods are the key to preventing its progression.

The prediabetes diet is a balanced diet that combines a series of healthy foods to  lower glucose levels  in patients at risk of developing  diabetes  type 2.

It is a diet in which he  is necessary to rethink meals  because some products of regular consumption contain components which can cause an excessive build-up of sugar in the blood.

Its adoption has significant health and weight benefits. It optimizes the use of glucose , but also because he stimulates metabolic activity  and slows the progression of this dangerous disease.

What to take into account and  what are the most suitable foods?  Don’t worry, we’ll walk you through how to establish a good diet for prediabetes below.

treat prediabetes
The prediabetes diet can be helpful in helping both those who have been diagnosed and those who are concerned about preventing the disease.

Allowed and prohibited foods in a diet to treat prediabetes

Prediabetes  is a condition in which blood sugar levels are above what is considered normal. However, these glucose levels are not high enough for this disorder to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes.

Anyone can benefit from a diet to prevent or fight prediabetes. It does not matter if you have a high risk or not of having one of the forms of   diabetic sugar.

Patients with high blood sugar should undergo a series of medical treatments. However, the main factor in avoiding health complications is to improve your diet 100%. For this reason, it is necessary to learn to differentiate foods that are beneficial for glucose control from those that may be harmful.

Foods Allowed in the Diet to Treat Prediabetes

The best foods to control high glucose levels in prediabetes are those that have a low glycemic index. These, in general, provide fiber, protein and essential fatty acids which are essential in the diet.

A diet menu for prediabetes can include foods such as:

  • Oatmeal
  • Whole grain wheat bread
  • Non-starchy vegetables, such as carrots and green vegetables
  • Beans and legumes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Integral pasta
  • Skinless chicken
  • Blue fish
  • Natural, low-fat yogurt
  • Egg whites
  • Fruits with edible skin
  • Quinoa or barley

Prohibited foods

First of all, in order to bring the sugar levels down to normal levels, it is advisable to avoid certain foods whose composition can increase the presence of glucose.

Keep in mind that adding healthy ingredients is unnecessary if you continue to consume too many carbohydrates and sugars.

Foods and drinks that should be avoided as much as possible are:

  • Sweets and industrial bakery products
  • Ice creams and chocolates
  • Fruit juice with added sugar
  • Dried fruits such as raisins and dates
  • Fruits containing too much sugar (figs, bananas or fruit in syrup)
  • Fast food and all frozen meals
  • Margarines and harmful oils
  • Offal and viscera
  • Whole milk
  • Canned foods high in sodium
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Industrial drinks:  juices, juices, flavored waters, sugary soft drinks, soft drinks and energy drinks.

Recommended menu in a diet to treat prediabetes

When a person is diagnosed with prediabetes positive,  the doctor usually makes dietary adjustments  to prevent progression to diabetes.

For this, relevant aspects such as age, weight, state of health and, of course, previous pathologies are usually taken into account.

treat prediabetes

It is normal that the menus vary for each person , depending on their needs. However, below we are sharing a few options that can serve as a template for diet design.


  • Infusion, slice of whole grain bread and light cottage cheese or low fat yogurt
  • Infusion, fruit salad and boiled egg
  • Grapefruit juice, whole grain cookies, and avocado or tomato sauce


  • Freshly squeezed orange juice and whole grain cookies
  • Fruit infusion
  • Plant-based oat or almond milk


  • Carrot, tuna and brown rice salad
  • Lean meat, green salad and a piece of fruit for dessert
  • Grilled chicken breast, brown rice, sautéed vegetables and light gelatin dessert


  • Greek yogurt with blueberries
  • Biscuit or wholemeal bread with a slice of turkey
  • Green smoothie

Having dinner

  • Grilled fish with steamed vegetables
  • Vegetable broth with grilled chicken breast
  • Pumpkin puree, lean meat, brown rice and gelatin or fruit dessert
treat prediabetes
You can eat several meals a day to prevent hunger and at the same time nourish the body.

Don’t forget to exercise!

There are many healthy foods that can help you control prediabetes. However, he should supplement your consumption with an exercise routine so   to obtain greater benefits.

If you have any doubts about how to establish a balanced diet, depending on your needs, consult your doctor or nutritionist. The two professionals will be able to help you.

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