Diet For Constipation

Did you know that popcorn can help us relieve temporary constipation? This is because they are low in calories and contain a lot of fiber. However, we must consume them as naturally as possible, without adding anything.

Our bodies cannot digest food naturally when we are constipated. The intestine cannot move as needed for waste to be eliminated as often as needed to maintain good digestion.

He therefore suffers from constipation, a problem which can also become very serious. Abdominal pain, caused by improper digestion of food, is also unbearable. Going to work in such conditions is therefore very depressing.

The best solution for constipation is proper nutrition. A suitable diet can indeed prevent excess gas. The stomach will therefore not feel bloated and the colic will also go away. Here is a list of foods to include in your diet to end constipation!

 Red fruitsagainst constipation

Strawberries are mildly laxative and highly recommended in cases of constipation.

This group notably includes blackberries, strawberries and raspberries. These delicious fruits are high in fiber and contain very few calories. As they are rich in fiber, these foods are essential against constipation. You can enjoy them with your favorite breakfast cereals.

The cerealsagainst constipation

Whole grains are another great food for constipation.

As everyone knows, grains are high in fiber. In the market there is a wide variety of these products, you just have to choose the ones you like the most, and of course the ones which have the best effect on your body.

The most recommended are the traditional and simple cereals, although this is not very important, because all cereals provide a lot of fiber.

We should especially eat them with fruit and a skimmed milk drink, preferably yogurt, for breakfast. You will be able to spend a pleasant day and enjoy a good intestinal transit.

The fruitsagainst constipation

To avoid the inflammation of the stomach caused by constipation, one should eat fruit.

Among the recommended fruits, we find plums, apples and pears, which thanks to their natural fiber content are excellent for reducing symptoms and especially all the pain caused by constipation.

Popcornagainst constipation

Natural popcorn is healthy and delicious!

This is a very good option to get rid of constipation.  Popcorn has very few calories and a lot of fiber, but we must not forget to cut down on the salt, butter and sugar or caramel that is normally added to them. Against constipation, we must eat it as natural as possible.

Wholemeal breadagainst constipation

It is probably the favorite food of thousands of people around the world. But for all those people who suffer from constipation or want to maintain a healthy weight, the best advice is to eat wholemeal bread.

It is indeed prepared with cereals rich in fiber. Likewise, you will also like cookies and wholegrain toast. So, for breakfast, you can accompany them with a good papaya fruit juice.

The fruit milkshakeagainst constipation

You can make milkshakes by mixing different fruits or fruits with vegetables, and also adding a tablespoon or two of oatmeal for each glass of milkshake you drink. These milkshakes are excellent for reducing the symptoms of constipation. You can drink one for breakfast and another in the evening.

Remember …

We especially advise you to continue to eat all fruits and cereals which contain a lot of fiber, to drink a lot of water and to give up all baked goods which are made with white flour.

You should also stop drinking coffee, cut down on chocolate, and try not to drink guava juice. The fruits you eat should retain their skin (wash and brush the fruit) because it contains most of the beneficial nutrients and fiber.

Finally, remember that if we are healthy we can prevent a lot of illnesses, which is possible with a proper diet that includes lots of fruits and vegetables.

This type of food provides us with a lot of fiber and nutrients which help us to maintain the correct functioning of the organism and the defenses at an appropriate level.

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