Did You Know That Diet Sodas Increase Belly Fat?

Read this article to learn all about diet sodas and the risks they represent for your health.

When we have a desire to soda, we often hesitate between classical or sodas light . The light version is often popular because it is supposed to contain less sugar, and therefore be healthier.

Although we all know that soda is bad for you, we drink it regularly. We like their flavor, and we are convinced that consuming it once in a while is not so harmful to our health. However, it is important to take into account several factors.

If you don’t want to gain weight, the best thing to do is not to consume soda at all. And even less light branded sodas , because rather than helping you lose weight, they increase belly fat.

Sodas light  are not so light

Diet sodas are not that light

A study by the University of Texas found that diet sodas are no different from other soft drinks.

But most surprisingly, they cause an increase in waist circumference and abdominal fat.

This nine-year study analyzed the drinking habits of more than 900 people across the United States, Mexico and Europe. The results are surprising to say the least.

The people were divided into three experimental groups: 

  • Occasional consumers of light sodas (between 1 and 3 glasses per week).
  • Regular consumers of light sodas (more than 5 glasses per week).
  • Never consume soda.

Consumer group analysis: 

  • People who consumed between 2 and 3 glasses of diet soda per week experienced an increase of 2.54 to 5 centimeters in the waistline.
  • Those who consumed it on a regular basis gained between 7.61 centimeters and more over the entire study period.
  • Finally, those who did not consume sodas, took between 0 and 2 centimeters at most. Their lifestyle was pretty good. They only ingested the bare minimum of sugar, never including the harmful sweetening substitutes found in “light” drinks.

What conclusions can be drawn from these data?

“Light” sodas are very high in calories.  Sharon Fowler, director of the study, revealed that “diet” soft drinks are directly related to serious diseases such as diabetes, myocardial infarction and obesity.

Obviously, the lifestyle of the people observed plays a big role in their weight gain. Very occasional consumption of “light” drinks (2 cans per month) has almost no consequences. Even more so if the person has an active life, and that they consume very little sugar and fat.

However, people who consume 4 cans per week (or more), who have a sedentary lifestyle and an unbalanced diet, will suffer from increased abdominal fat, which is a direct danger to their health. 

The other risks of diet sodas


The other risks of diet sodas: sweeteners

Diet drinks contain a very high dose of sweeteners. If we consume it in the usual way, it can interfere with our sense of taste. And that makes us unable to perceive the natural sweet flavor of fruits, for example.

The increased risk of type 2 diabetes

If you consume a can of diet soda a day, you should know that you have a 36% increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

According to a study conducted by the University of Minnesota in the United States, this type of drink increases blood pressure, bad cholesterol and, as you know, the fat that accumulates in the abdomen.

The lack of nutritional value of diet sodas

Carbonated drinks have a very pleasant flavor. And they are especially appreciated during the summer, with family meals or evenings with friends.

However, they do not provide our body with vitamins or minerals. They contain stimulants which alter a number of our basic functions and which increase our thirst, instead of satisfying it.

These characteristics apply to traditional sodas, as well as to “light” sodas. 


If you frequently suffer from migraines and headaches, it is very important to avoid consuming soft drinks, whether normal or “light”.

Dental damage

According to a study, published in the journal “General Dentistry”, sodas accelerate dental erosion, and weaken the enamel. This harmful effect is due to the citric acid they contain.

If you start avoiding these types of drinks today, your smile will be very grateful to you!

Bone damage

If you are a woman, and you start to have bone problems, you should immediately stop drinking carbonated drinks.

In addition, sodas also participate in the wear and tear of bone mass, especially in the hip area. So prefer a good consumption of water to your usual sodas.

Heart damage

How does diet soda affect your heart?

The risk of cardiovascular problems is increased by regular consumption of diet sodas. Because this type of drink increases bad cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Keep in mind that carbonated drinks are bad for your health. And do not be fooled by the supposed virtues of “light” sodas, because they are a great danger to your health. 

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