Delicious Homemade Grape And Oatmeal Smoothie For The Heart

In addition to helping us regulate cholesterol, the ingredients in this smoothie promote intestinal transit and are satiating, which can help us to lose weight.

We assure you that when you try this delicious smoothie, you will not be able to do without it. The combination of grapes and oats makes it possible to achieve an exceptional remedy for cleaning the blood and reducing cholesterol,  while promoting weight loss.

In this article, we invite you to prepare a tasty, energetic and healthy smoothie at home to start the day. You are ready ?

Grapes and oats to clean the blood and lower cholesterol

Many people drink this smoothie for breakfast, especially if they have heart problems or have a little too high cholesterol.

We also have to tell you that in general, this smoothie is very digestible and rich in soluble fiber, and it greatly improves our intestinal transit.

Also, keep in mind that for good results it is good to buy organic oats and grapes that have not been treated with pesticides.

All of this will help us to stimulate their natural virtues even more. Now let’s see how grapes and oats can help us take care of our hearts.

The benefits of grapes for heart health

In our homemade smoothie, we are going to use black or purple grapes, as they contain more antioxidants and therefore their heart-caring properties will be more intense.

In general, any variety of grape is good for our health. They are laxative, purifying, diuretic and anti-cancer fruits.

In addition, we must not forget that their energy intake is very low: 62 calories per 100 grams.

  • Grapes take care of our arteries by increasing nitric oxide in the blood and creating a vasodilator effect.
    This virtue is more intense in purple grapes, hence the interest in consuming both their skin and their seeds.
  • In addition, grapes contain multiple bio-active substances such as polyphenols or resveratrol which act as great protectors of cell health against the attack of free radicals.
  • The scientific journal “Journal of Cardiovscular Pharmacology” published an interesting work where the importance of resveratrol is demonstrated in the protection of the health of the arteries.
  • Grapes, especially blacks and purples, contain high levels of folic acid, as well as iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and copper. In addition, their sodium content is low.

Oats, a cereal for your heart

Many doctors and nutritionists recommend the regular use of organic oats.

You can buy it in many shops, as well as in specialized health food stores.

The benefits for our heart are so great that we should never give up on them.

  • Oats help us reduce bad cholesterol or LDL levels.
  • This cereal is part of the same family as rice, corn or wheat. Thus, it can be considered as a “super-food” thanks to its nutritional properties.
  • It contains unsaturated fats and linoleic acid. These fats are very healthy and support heart health.
  • Another interesting fact about oats is that it gives us a type of carbohydrate that gives us energy for a long time. It reduces appetite and is an excellent resource to include in our breakfast.
  • You will be happy to know that oats are the cereal with the most concentrated vitamins and minerals.
    Indeed, it contains important vitamins of group B, as well as essential minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and magnesium.
  • Fiber is necessary to take care of our heart because it helps us promote intestinal transit and is also essential for lowering bad cholesterol.
  • Have you ever heard of beta glucans? These are bio-active substances capable of absorbing bad cholesterol, as well as bile acids from the intestine. In this way, they are prevented from entering the blood stream.

How to prepare your grape and oatmeal smoothie?grapes oats


  • 3 tablespoons of oatmeal (30 g)
  • 10 black or purple grapes
  • ½ cup of papaya (70 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (25 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Get organic oats or if you prefer, whole grain. Very fine flaked oats do not work well.
  • The first thing to do is to wash the grapes well, without removing the skin. Peel the papaya and extract 70 grams of its juice. This fruit will give your smoothie a unique consistency and taste.
  • When all the ingredients are ready, put them in the blender. Add the water, the 10 raisins, the papaya and the three tablespoons of oats, as well as the honey. Mix all the ingredients well to obtain a homogeneous juice.
  • Do not worry if when you drink, you smell pieces of skin or grape seeds: eat them because they are excellent for your heart!

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