Cuts And Scrapes: A Remedy Made From Sage And Honey

The combination of honey and sage gives a very useful antiseptic remedy for treating cuts and scrapes. Discover here in more detail the benefits of this remedy as well as the stages of preparation.

There are several ways to treat cuts and scrapes depending on the severity of the injury. Often times, when the injury is superficial and the skin remains clean, the healing process takes place on its own. Nevertheless, to speed up this process, we can resort to some natural remedies.

Some naturally occurring ingredients such as sage and honey have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, which are properties that help protect the skin from infections. In addition, these ingredients contain antioxidants and essential nutrients that promote wound healing.

The cuts and scratches are marks which indicate that the skin has been damaged. These marks usually cause bleeding, redness, and pain. However, the healing process is usually quick and uncomplicated.

Fortunately, today there are many options for protecting the skin from superficial lesions. Beyond the pharmaceutical options, there are also many natural remedies that prove to be very effective. This is the case with the remedy based on sage and honey that we suggest you discover here. This natural remedy is recognized for its antiseptic and healing properties.

The combination of sage and honey offers a natural alternative to disinfect the affected skin area and thus minimize the risk of infections. Plus, this remedy helps calm the irritation and relieve the swelling around the injury. Find out here without further delay what are the benefits of this natural remedy and how to prepare it.

The benefits of natural remedy based on sage and honey to treat cuts and scrapes

A natural remedy made from honey and sage to treat scratches

The combination of sage and honey provides a natural antiseptic ideal for treating superficial cuts and scrapes.

The benefits of sage when it comes to treating cuts and scrapes

Thanks to its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, sage is one of the herbal remedies that can help heal cuts and scrapes. Sage has been used in natural medicine since ancient times, in particular to prevent the growth of bacteria and that of other pathogenic microorganisms.

Applied topically, sage relieves the discomfort associated with skin wounds, not only by reducing the risk of infections in exposed areas, but also by regenerating tissues, regeneration which promotes better healing.

The benefits of honey

One of the most popular ingredients for the preparation of alternative remedies is organic bee honey . Thanks to its antibiotic, antifungal and antiseptic properties, honey is a great option for preventing and treating infections.

In addition, a topical application promotes better skin health, because honey also has moisturizing properties : it helps regenerate tissues that have suffered attacks due to injury. Honey also has ideal calming properties for relieving the inconvenience associated with cuts and scrapes such as itching, burning sensation or pain.

Preparation of the natural remedy based on sage and honey

Scratches on an arm

The preparation of this natural remedy to heal cuts and scrapes is rather simple. In addition, the ingredients are easy to find, as we can find them in supermarkets as well as in herbalists.

The most important thing is to get 100% organic honey, because the other varieties do not offer the same nutritional quality, nor the same properties.

Caution: Avoid using this remedy if the cut or scrape is still open. Keep in mind that serious injuries should be treated by a healthcare professional as soon as possible. If at first glance the injury appears serious, seek medical attention immediately.


  • 2 tablespoons of powdered sage or 30 g of dried sage leaves
  • 4 tablespoons of organic bee honey (60 g)


  • 1 sterile vial
  • 1 wooden spoon


  • For starters, if you’ve gone with dried sage leaves, grind them until you get a fine powder. If you want, you can check with an herbalist to see if they have powdered sage extracts.
  • Then, pour the sage powder into a previously sterilized bottle.
  • Now add the tablespoons of honey and mix everything together using a wooden spoon.
  • When the preparation is ready, close the bottle and store it in a cool, dark place for a full day.
  • After the specified time has elapsed, you can start using the product.


  • Clean the wound area well.
  • Apply the remedy based on sage and honey that you have prepared by performing a gentle massage.
  • Leave the product to act for about twenty minutes.
  • After this period of time has elapsed, rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat the operation two to three times a day until the skin regenerates completely.

Do you already have this remedy in your first aid kit? Now that you know how to prepare this effective remedy, make sure you have it on hand to treat those minor everyday injuries.

Keep in mind that the preparation can be used for a month or two if you store it in the refrigerator or other cool place.

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