Change Your Weight Loss Eating Habits With These 5 Tips

Adopting a healthy diet and including an exercise routine in our daily life can be one of the best ways to lose weight without suffering.

If a person loses weight in a healthy and effective way, it is  because they have improved their lifestyle  and been disciplined and consistent. Would you like to achieve this too? In that case, read on.

People often try to be consistent and motivated to work out during the week or go on a diet to lose weight. But what happens when they don’t know how to maintain that routine on weekends or holidays? Well, they fall short of their goals and suffer what we call the “rebound effect”.

Unfortunately,  2 days of leisure can take a toll on 5 days of training. They can even ruin weeks of good habits. You will then ask yourself:  what can I do? I never have fun on weekdays, will I have to stop doing it on weekends too?

Don’t worry, we’ll give you some tips on  weekend habits that will help you lose weight  .

Lose weight by adjusting your eating habits


You can treat yourself to some tasty pleasures during the weekends. That doesn’t mean, however, that you shouldn’t maintain some moderation. Also, you should try to keep moving. It is not appropriate to eat a large portion of dessert if you will not be moving until Monday.

You also don’t have to go to extremes  and do a whole workout to “burn” the pleasure you’ve given yourself. In fact, you can go for some recreational activities, which will not only help you move and burn calories, but also have a good time.

1. The dance

It is a great activity for losing weight. If you dance for a long time, you will feel exhausted. However, when we talk about dancing, we are not talking about going to a party where we are going to drink and eat junk food.

If our goal is to lose weight, alcohol and junk food will not be good allies. If you want to cool off while dancing or having a party, we recommend drinking water or juice.

Dancing helps us in general, whether it is physically, mentally or emotionally. It also helps in weight loss and improving body composition. This directly reflects on health through a reduction in disease risk, according to an article published in the journal  Circulation Research  .

Being in constant motion not only promotes the burning of a large number of calories, but also:

  • Improves our heart health
  • Activates our metabolism
  • Strengthens joints and bones
  • Promotes flexibility

Also, laugh and release tension in general. What are you waiting for ? Lose weight while dancing!


2. Family outings

Getting out with family or friends for physical activity is a great way to lose weight on the weekends. Planning walks and excursions will motivate us to continue doing so. This will allow our body to burn calories and be more active.

You could say it’s the equivalent of exercising in the gym on the weekends: we will be doing a lot of cardiovascular exercises, which obviously helps the heart and burns calories.

If we usually exercise during the week, or if our job involves a lot of physical exertion, it will help us to keep the body active. In addition, group activities are always very good social stimulants.

3. Shopping

As unbelievable as it may sound, shopping helps us lose weight. Long walks, putting on and taking off clothes make our metabolism active, burn a lot of calories and stimulate the muscles.

It is an activity very similar to jogging, running or dancing. In fact, it is more similar to the latter, since our social skills are highly favored. The fact that we feel better about making a purchase also gives us a positive emotional response.

Obviously, this activity doesn’t have the same effects as heavy exercise, but it will work for us. We’ve all felt tired after shopping, and it’s no coincidence.

4. Healthy cooking recipes

We cannot leave our homes every weekend, either because of health or environmental issues, among others. However, that doesn’t mean that we can’t do something to lose weight by doing some activity.

Investigating certain foods that are good for your health will help you a lot when it comes to putting new recipes into practice. It will also keep you busy during the weekend and serve you for the days of the week.

You can replace refined flours with whole-grain flours, choosing healthier sugar alternatives like stevia or honey. Remember that an adequate intake of fiber is essential to promote the onset of satiety and thus lose weight, according to a study published in 2017.

5. Lose weight with your partner

Including your family or your partner in all your activities greatly improves your desire and your chances of losing weight. You can integrate your partner into all the previous habits. Dance with him, go shopping, cook together and go hiking.


Move more to lose weight

So there are several alternatives to have fun on the weekends and lose weight. If you want different results, don’t always do the same thing.

By changing a few simple habits in your life, you can gain health and vitality. Seeing yourself differently will make you feel differently! So get moving and lose weight!

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