Causes Of Blurred Vision And How To Treat It?

If you have trouble seeing objects, have difficulty distinguishing people, have trouble reading, or feel the letters moving on the computer or in a book, you might want to consult a doctor.

Thousands of people suffer from blurred or cloudy vision on a daily basis. It is therefore important to first understand the causes of blurred vision and how to avoid it.

This is a problem that should not be overlooked, especially in the case where it is accompanied by headaches, nausea and general fatigue.

Causes of blurred vision

This list will help you determine what causes blurred vision and its most common symptoms.

Astigmatism and myopia

The first is a disease that reduces near vision. The second is a problem with far vision. In addition to generating blurred vision, they distort the visual field.


It is more common in people over the age of 60 and its symptoms are not always obvious.

Cataracts can cause a feeling of corneal opacity, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, halos of lights, double vision, and a gradual decrease in vision.

Causes of blurred vision: cataracts


One of the many symptoms of imbalances in blood sugar levels can be blurred vision.

You have to be careful when you have diabetes. Because the lack of care can generate more serious problems of the sight. Or even drift to blindness.

Graves’ disease

Weight loss and increased appetite, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, tremors and blurred vision are the most notorious symptoms of this condition which affects the thyroid gland.

Multiple sclerosis

This neurodegenerative disease causes many sight problems, and among them, blurred vision.

It also causes problems with urine control, changes in sensitivity, etc.


Suddenly dropping blood sugar levels can cause not only blurred vision, but also other types of visual changes, confusion, double vision, seizures, loss of consciousness, anxiety, palpitations and unsteadiness.


When you have a bad headache from a muscle or neural problem, blurred vision is a very common symptom.

The other signs are nausea, sensitivity to light, pain in the eyes, vomiting, and even headache.

High blood pressure and glaucoma

If you have high blood pressure or glaucoma, you may have difficulty seeing well.

In addition, these two conditions generate additional problems such as fainting, total or partial loss of vision, tachycardias, etc.

How to avoid blurry vision?

If this happens to you very often, it is important to see a doctor. If it’s something sporadic, you may want to pay attention to the following tips:

Reduce stress

It will help you lower high blood pressure and nervousness. Thus, you will feel more serene and you will be able to enjoy a better view.

High blood pressure is one of your eyes’ worst enemies because it wears them out. If you are suffering from eye strain, it is also important to calm down a bit.

Work on your anger and anxiety,  to prevent further problems from arising.

Relax the view

If you have worked for a long time in front of your computer screen or tablet, your vision may be tired and this may be one of the causes of blurred vision.

To remedy this, close your eyes without getting up from your seat for a minute.

Another option is to stand up, placing the index finger in front of your face. Then bring it closer and away slowly, while maintaining the fixed vision.

Then do the same by moving from right to left, as if your finger were a pendulum. You can move your eyes, but not your head.

Focus and release

Focus your attention on an object and stare at it. Then try to make it go away and stare at it again.

One of the reasons we see blurry is that we are used to focusing on something in particular, because of the hundreds of stimuli that we receive every day.

Pay attention to your diet

You probably know that water is your best ally for keeping your body hydrated, as well as for maintaining your eyesight.

In addition, you will be able to eliminate toxins that accumulate in the body that can damage the liver, the organ directly linked to the eyes.

If you see blurry or cloudy, try a diet free of fat and fried foods.

Drink boldo infusion daily and follow a purifying diet with steamed or semi-cooked vegetables (especially broccoli, spinach and chard) and brown rice. Leave out fats, meats and dairy products.

Second, increase your intake of vitamins A and C groups. You will find them in particular in citrus fruits, carrots, papayas and broccoli.

Adopt healthier habits to eliminate the causes of blurry vision

Increase the size of the letters on your screens so you don’t have to get too close to the device. And don’t read when there is not enough light. Indeed, natural light is less tiring than artificial light.

Keep the television at least three feet away from your position. And wear glasses when resting at work or when you come home at night.

It is also very healthy to spend time in rural or natural environments, such as the countryside or the beach.

In this way, you will be able to work on the amplitude of the vision of your eyes and eliminate the causes of blurred vision.

As if it were a panoramic photo, the view needs to rest from seeing colors, neon light and shining elements.

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