Caress With The Soul And Reach The Intimacy Of Emotions

A caress of the soul can fill us and connect us to people whose hugs are much deeper and rebuild us from within.

“Apapachar” (cuddle, cuddle in Mexico) is one of the prettiest words in existence. This is partly due to the connotation – linked to the field of emotions – that it has acquired over time and the extension of the term in Spanish. Indeed, its exact meaning would rather be: “to cuddle with the soul”.

This beautiful word comes from Nahuatl, the language of a Native American group in Mexico, and it has been around the world.

However, as we explained earlier, the original term did not have such a sentimental meaning.

During the process of hispanization of the word, it deviated to a more tender meaning, as it was originally used to refer to the action of kneading, massaging or fiddling with gentleness.

Over time, it took on this meaning that we are going to talk about here. “ A papachar”  is to caress the soul to make way for the emotional nude.

A woman holds a butterfly in her hand

The emotional encounter through the “apapachos”

An “apapacho” is more than a hug. It’s bonding, emotional connection, a contact that goes beyond any hug.

Each gives the intensity that he considers to be closest to the definition.

This emotional nude that we are talking about is not obtained lightly. Indeed, it requires time, strength and the desire to listen, to feel, to hug and cuddle with the soul.

In this sense, it is not strange to say that a good “apapacho” begins with oneself, with the importance of identifying the feelings and emotions that are at the service of our skin.

Listening, connecting and knowing the emotional load that we carry on our shoulders requires a process of scanning and supervision of our:

  • Fears,
  • Conflicts,
  • Insecurities,
  • Achievements,
  • Apprenticeships.

If we can see and feel “ the clothes on us , we will be able to lay bare that part of ourselves as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

Knowing our emotional vulnerabilities does not make them go away. However, being aware of them allows that as soon as they appear in our life, we can identify them and act on them, preventing them from stifling our emotional connections.

Fill us with emotions

True seduction is not that which is achieved through words or skin-to-skin contact. We need our emotions and feelings to speak the language of soul hugs.

We are emotional beings who think through the language of emotions. Indeed, it is only through this that we receive the power of a genuine connection.

Problems disappear in seconds. Something is reconnecting with us. Anguish envelops us. In addition, we create a link beyond time and space.

In other words, an “apapacho” acts like a restorative balm. 

A couple hug

Feeling loved, one of the best sensations there is

Knowing that you are loved is one of the best sensations you can have. It’s pleasant, comforting and energizing.

Being aware that someone genuinely appreciates you is wonderful. Indeed, love is always an impulse that helps us to recover a balance to which we aspire during bad times. Let’s say it all works like a life jacket. Like a float that brings us to the surface and allows us to breathe.

You could say that our ties represent, without a doubt, psychological oxygen for us.

Love for others, an example in Paul Auster’s Moon Palace

Here is a precious definition in a passage from Paul Auster’s novel, Moon Palace , where it perfectly defines what it feels like when the love of others saves us from the well we have fallen into and from which we cannot escape:

“At that time, I didn’t know it, of course, but knowing what I know now, it’s impossible for me to ignore these days without feeling a wave of nostalgia for my friends. In a sense, it alters the reality of what I’ve been through. 

I had jumped off the edge of the cliff and just as I was about to hit rock bottom something happened: I realized that there were people out there who loved me. To feel loved in this way changes everything. 

It does not take away the terror of the Fall but gives a new perspective to what terror means. I had jumped off the edge and at the last moment something caught me in the air. This something is what I call love.

It’s the only thing that can stop a man from falling, the only thing powerful enough to invalidate the laws of gravity. ”

We can safely say that the people we are emotionally connected to help us take the reins of our lives in our own hands. They help us take control and manage our feelings, thoughts and emotions.

The emotional nude is obtained through inner knowledge

As we pointed out to you in this article, we need to know that the emotional nude is only achieved through inner knowing and the personal nude with oneself.

This is why it is essential to cuddle our interior with the soul to be able to allow the process of socio-emotional growth to continue to function.

Thus, we will break our fears. We will show in the warmth of the hearth what we are able to create thanks to the “apapachos”.

This deep meeting undoubtedly deserves a word as beautiful as this: “APAPACHEZ” WELL!

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