Care After Extraction Of Wisdom Teeth

After extraction of wisdom teeth, it is very important to perform a thorough cleaning of the mouth, to rest well and to take care of his diet. It is a process associated with pain, but often necessary and unavoidable.

Many people hate going to the dentist for fear of a painful procedure. Wisdom teeth are usually a source of stress, as they can be inconvenient on certain occasions.

Wisdom teeth are teeth that appear between the ages of 17 and 25. However, in some people they never appear. They are also called the third molars, and they appear last of the dentition.

While their release may go unnoticed, it is quite common for it to cause certain painful symptoms and it may be necessary to eradicate them. For example, when they put pressure on the rest of the molars, and create certain tensions in the dentition.

In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about wisdom tooth extraction. Also, we will talk about the care to follow after the operation to avoid certain complications.

Why remove wisdom teeth?

As we have already mentioned, wisdom teeth appear in adulthood, when the dentition is already fully formed. Thus, many people do not have enough space in their mouth for these teeth to come out and develop normally.

This is why some wisdom teeth can grow by putting pressure on the adjacent molar, lying on it. They may even grow towards the posterior part of the mouth, or cannot overcome the jawbone.

These situations cause a series of annoyances and complications. Among them, the most notorious is severe pain. The gums can become infected, adjacent teeth can be damaged, and the entire area may become inflamed.

In addition, people who have little space in their mouth will notice how all of their teeth deteriorate. Teeth may rise due to the pressure exerted by the wisdom teeth. Even in cases where wisdom teeth appear and do not cause discomfort at first, problems may appear over time.

Since this is the deepest part of the dentition, it is very common for these wisdom teeth to be decayed or to accumulate food scraps. All these aspects make it more advisable to extract them than to leave them in place.

Wisdom teeth can cause pain

What should be done when removing wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth can cause jaw pain or even headaches. This flare is also frequently accompanied by bad breath and inflammation in the gums. The extraction is done through an outpatient surgery that lasts approximately one and a half hours. Usually a local anesthesia is performed.

Right after the extraction, dentists recommend certain measures to ensure that the recovery proceeds without complications. In the first place, it is important to take pain relievers for pain relief, or as a preventative measure to prevent pain from appearing.

For this, one can take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as paracetamol and ibuprofen. Furthermore, place a cold compress on the cheek to reduce inflammation. Other tips are:

  • Do not spit right after the operation to prevent the wound from bleeding

  • It’s important to take a day off and not do too strenuous activities

  • Regarding food, soft foods are recommended for the first 24 hours. It is also essential to drink plenty of water and avoid hot drinks, alcohol and coffee.

  • You should avoid smoking or chewing tobacco, because it can alter the healing process

A man in consultation for his wisdom teeth

In general, dentists make one or two stitches to close the wound. Even though it may seem unpleasant, this area must be cleaned properly. During the first few hours, it is best not to brush your teeth and not to use mouthwashes.

Soon after, however, it will be necessary to consciously cleanse the mouth, paying more attention to the injury. This area will have to be subtly brushed. Some dentists recommend doing salt water mouthwashes to improve healing.

In conclusion

Extracting wisdom teeth is a very stressful process because of the pain and discomfort it can cause. However, if you follow your dentist’s advice well and make frequent check-ups, there should be no complications.

Not everyone has wisdom teeth, and those who do will not necessarily have painful symptoms. The ideal will always be to be checked periodically by a professional to determine the state of the teeth.

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