Can We Be Happy Without Being In A Relationship?

Balance and personal maturity are essential to be able to grow psychologically. To be happy in your relationship, it is essential that you love yourself.

Obviously, we can be happy without being in a relationship, even if there are many people who only conceive of happiness through a sentimental relationship.

However, we assure you that celibacy has many benefits, we will explain them to you.

The advantages of not being in a relationship

You are sure to know some single people who are desperate to be in a relationship.

They think that they are anomalies of society, because they have no partner, that they are empty and that they can only be whole if they meet this person who will hold their hand every day.

However, it is dangerous to have this view of things which only associates happiness with the mere fact of being in a relationship.

These people, in the end, do not know how to take advantage of themselves, their own personal equilibrium and the fulfillment that occurs when you are alone, with no one by your side.

Of course, having a soul mate can bring incredible joy and balance, but one thing must be clear: to be happy as a couple, the main thing is to love yourself first.

This personal balance and maturity are essential in order to flourish in a  relationship, and to find this emotional integrity in which we respect ourselves, and therefore we respect the other.

We will see how to take advantage of not being in a relationship.

1. Listen to yourself and know yourself better

Not being in a relationship allows you to have more time for yourself.

Not being in a relationship allows you to have more time for yourself. You should take this opportunity to learn to listen to yourself better, and more often.

Having this time for introspection allows you to know your needs, what you like and what you want for yourself.

When in a relationship, some people pay more attention to the other than to themselves, they seek to meet the needs of their partner before their own.

They relegate them to the background without realizing it and, if it is not demarcated in time, it can become dangerous.

Celibacy allows you to be more selfish, to think about yourself.

Take care of yourself, listen to yourself, find that personal balance in your own solitude. Learn to love yourself a little more!

2. Take time for yourself, to flourish

Take advantage of not being in a relationship to find new hobbies.

When a relationship ends badly, your self- esteem and optimism can be hit hard.

Now is the perfect time to find yourself, to blossom, to heal your wounds and to reorient your life.

Then think about the kind of people who could make you happy, the things that you could no longer admit in an emotional relationship.

Think about all of these things and enjoy yourself.

Learn to love yourself, to think that you are the most wonderful person in the world, and that being single can also bring you great happiness.

3. Make time for your friends and the things you love

Make time for your friends and the things you love.

Few things are as satisfying as having time for the things you love.

Painting, learning a new language or signing up for that course you like so much?

Now is the time to do what you love and enjoy your freedom. 

When you are in a relationship, you tend to put things aside, to spend time only with your partner.

Now is the time to do what you want, without justifying yourself. You can go on a trip with friends, or on your own.

Celibacy is not negative, it is a moment that we all go through. Remember, you are still the most important person in the world.

Enjoy yourself, your friends, your family, your animals. In short, your loneliness.

4. Take time to finally feel fulfilled

Take time to thrive.

Some people think that the most important thing in life is to meet your soul mate.

If you are obsessed with this idea, you will often feel incomplete. Make no mistake about it, you should always feel like a whole, whole person.

In addition to feeling good, you will just have to wait for chance to bring you a person who deserves you, who loves you as you are, and who will make you happy.

This person should not be your other half, but you should form with him, thanks to your characters, your passions, your qualities and your faults, a stable and happy couple.

In the meantime, still feel like a whole person, thanks to your self-esteem, your personality, your passions and your beauty.

Smile in the mirror, and think that the most important thing is to be happy, whether you are in a relationship or not. Learn to love yourself, to take care of yourself, to maintain your self-esteem to protect yourself.

And don’t think that people in a relationship are always happy. Some relationships are toxic and painful, and they make us realize that sometimes it’s better to be alone.

The ideal is to know how to take advantage of yourself and your independence, without closing doors.

Love is an adventure that is always worth it, but never neglect your own heart.

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