Baked Apples: A Yummy And Different Way To Enjoy Them

Baked Apples is an easy and healthy dessert that you can eat at any time of the day. No matter where you come from, we promise that this delicious dessert will not leave you indifferent. Discover all our tips for making perfect baked apples.

A lot of people don’t know how to enjoy the goodness of apples in desserts. It is, however, very simple and does not represent any complications. Find out how to prepare baked apples in a different way.

In this article, we want to make you discover in this article a very interesting alternative to enjoy apples in another way. You will be surprised at how easy this baked apple recipe is. Do not hesitate to prepare this dessert and share it with family or friends.

Thanks to this baked apple dessert, you can combine the sweet pleasure of a good dessert with the health benefits of apples. Find out all the details of this recipe and learn how to prepare it yourself at home.

Even if you don’t usually cook, this recipe is very easy to make and doesn’t involve great difficulties. And to ensure that all the nutrients in apples keep perfectly, you will be using an oven. This way, you can enjoy all the vitamins and goodness of apples by incorporating them into a very healthy dessert.

Regarding baked apples, we will start by telling you about the gastronomic origin of this dessert. Thus, you will understand where this curious and delicious preparation comes from.

So when you feel like cooking and sharing a great dessert, you can make this simple recipe. In addition, this recipe will not take much time and will please all palates.

Origin of baked applesbaked apples

There is no general consensus on where exactly this dessert comes from, but it has been happening for many years in countries like Chile, Argentina, Spain and even Canada.

Apparently, and if we take into account the peculiarities of these countries, we can conclude that these are temperate climates. So the recipe must come from countries favorable to the apple harvest. For this reason, it can be deduced that the recipe certainly owes its origin to the regions of the world that cultivate apples.

The truth is that baked apples are a preparation that fulfills all the essentials of a good dessert. First of all, they are delicious and are excellent for your health. Remember, however, this type of dessert contains a significant amount of sugar.

On the other hand, in the recipe that you are going to discover, it is fundamental to prepare it by following the steps step by step. So, all you have to do is follow our advice and all the steps we are going to show you to prepare this delicious baked apple dessert.

Whether it’s for the first time you make a dessert or because you feel like it, it will be a guaranteed success.

Benefits of applesbaked apples

The apple is one of the most consumed fruits because it is found throughout the year. It is eaten both raw and cooked and is used in the preparation of sweet and savory dishes. It is easy and convenient to use, and most of us like it.

Its main health benefits are attributed to its high content of antioxidants and natural fibers, the effects of which on the body promote the digestive process and the elimination of toxins. This fruit is known for its high content of potassium, an essential mineral that brings a diuretic effect to the body.

The essential vitamins and minerals that the apple contains are great allies for the body’s immune system.

Apple is an excellent source of vitamin C. This vitamin has antioxidant properties and may be partly responsible for the beneficial effects associated with a high consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Apple is also a source of vitamin K necessary for the manufacture of proteins that play a role in blood clotting. This vitamin also participates in the formation of bones.

The antioxidant power of apple helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, apple pectin has beneficial effects in lowering blood cholesterol.

Eating apples, ideally 2 or more per week, would have a favorable effect on respiratory function as well as on the incidence of asthma and respiratory tract disorders.

To enjoy the benefits of the apple, it is best to eat the fruit with its skin on. Indeed, the antioxidant power of the skin of the apple is 2 to 6 times higher than that of the flesh.

Learn how to bake apples

We haven’t talked about all the information about this dessert yet. To begin with, you will have to choose the type of apples that will best suit this recipe. Pay attention to this detail, because it is decisive in obtaining a fantastic result.

You have to learn what is the best type of apples to make this dessert. While you might think the answer may vary depending on the subjectivity of the cook, ideally the end result can give you some sort of contrast in flavors.

That is to say, if you choose an apple that is not a little sour, by roasting it, and accompanying it with a caramel, the result may be too sweet. The goal is not to create a dessert that is extremely sweet, on the contrary.

While all apples can be cooked, some varieties are more suitable for this mode of consumption. On the other hand, others require appropriate cooking or a contribution of sugar according to the taste of each one. Considering the reduction in volume during cooking, the preference should be with fairly large fruits.

So if you want baked apples, you’ll know which ones to choose. The variety called “golden” is the most used for this recipe. Why ? Because this type of fruit is not as sweet as the juicy red apple we all know.

On the other hand, the apples that are usually used to make cider are ideal for this recipe. Now it remains only to read all our tips and follow the recipe. Take this step-by-step recipe and learn how to bake apples in the oven.


  • Golden type apples about 4 (300 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of brown sugar (30 g)
  • 5 tablespoons of sweet wine (300 ml)
  • Optional: 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar (25 g)


  • Start by washing all the apples thoroughly. Drain them and set aside in a medium bowl.
  • Immediately afterwards, make sure you have a thin, sharp knife handy that will allow you to remove the core, stalk and seeds from the apple. A tip: to prevent the apples from oxidizing, we can peel and cut them at the very last moment, or sprinkle them with lemon juice.
  • Preheat the oven to a temperature of around 200 ° C. Soon you will know why.
  • Choose a heat-resistant dish and have it on hand. Then apply parchment paper and place the apples on top.

Filling apples in the oven

Now is the time to prepare the soft baked apple filling.

  • For this you will need to use a small bowl to mix the brown sugar with the wine and cinnamon. Fill the holes you made in the apples with this mixture.
  • Finally, do not bake the apples in the oven for more than 25 minutes. Then, just before the end of cooking, sprinkle a little sugar on the apples and let them brown to finish the recipe.
  • Finally, remove the apples from the oven and let cool a bit. Here it is, it’s ready! Now you know how to make this delicious dessert.

One of the best ways to enjoy the flavor and nutrients that apples give us is to make desserts. Among the many recipes that exist, one of the most delicious options is apple cakes.

Today we present to you these four homemade recipes for making delicious apple cakes. In addition to being very easy to make, these desserts are really tasty.

Discover today in this article 4 homemade apple cakes recipes. Write down all of these recipes and share them with your friends and family.

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