Are Protein Diets Good Or Bad?

Before deciding to adopt a protein diet, it is advisable to consult a specialist for an examination to see if it is appropriate for your health.

Have you tried everything to lose weight and given up on everything? You have heard of protein diets and are considering following them, but are not sure. It makes sense that after several failures you will have doubts as to whether this new diet will ultimately be the right one.

In order to dispel all your doubts, we have gathered some data on protein diets.

To begin with, you should know that they are beneficial, and even very beneficial. Read on and find out why.

Protein diets have no negative effects on your health

Foods of protein diets.

A study conducted at Nova Southeastern University (USA) showed that high protein diets alone do not cause health problems.

  • Over the course of a year, researchers evaluated 14 healthy and physically fit men. They were given a diet of 3 grams of protein per kilogram of weight per day.
  • What was shown is that the internal organs remained healthy, the fat in the blood remained at normal levels and there was no weight gain caused by the accumulation of fat.

On the other hand, the UK Society of Endocrinology reports that the protein sends signals to hormones responsible for appetite and feelings of fullness. When this happens, the body needs less food and therefore reduces the accumulated weight.

Protein diets will have no effect on the results of your endurance sports training.

If you are one of those people who add protein to their diet because they think it will enhance the effects of resistance training, we are sorry to say you are wrong.

This according to a study where we evaluated a group that consumed 5.5 times the recommended amount of protein per day with a group that consumed the normal amount. Both groups had the same athletic cycle and in the end, there were no significant changes.

Of course, you need to eat protein if you are exercising. In fact, you should still be consuming it. But don’t base the amounts, periodicity, and frequency on these factors, as that won’t help much.

We recommend that you seek advice from a sports specialist who will design a tailor-made routine to suit your goals. This way it will tell you the number of repetitions and changes based on your progress.

Protein diets do not improve your insulin sensitivity

Protein diets do not improve your insulin sensitivity.

If you are diabetic or pre-diabetic, you may have heard that eating a lot of protein will control your glucose levels. However, some studies claim that this is a misconception.

Remember, protein will help you feel fuller with less food, but what’s really going to set your blood sugar level is the amount of carbohydrate you eat.

Ideally, you should learn to balance the protein that satisfies you and the complex carbohydrates that prevent spikes in glucose.

Avoiding Excess: The Key to Protein Diets

While we’ve found that these protein diets are helpful, it’s important to remember that binge eating isn’t. If you exceed the amount of protein you eat, you will have certain problems. Here they are :

1. Bad breath

The excess protein will cause ketosis in your body. It’s relatively good, because you’ll burn a lot of fat. But it will also produce chemicals that will give you bad breath. The aroma is similar to acetone for removing nail polish.

If you are having this problem, you will find that even brushing your teeth does not get rid of the odor. Ideally, in this case, one should simply reduce the amount of protein. Within a few days, you will notice an improvement.

2. Mood swings

Protein diets cause mood swings.

Excess protein reduces the effect of sugar on the brain. This results in alterations in serotonin, the hormone that regulates your mood. This is why it is not uncommon for you to experience very drastic mood swings when you increase your protein intake too much.

Although we have a negative image of sugar, it plays an important role in emotional and brain health. Remember that you shouldn’t eliminate sugar completely, but consume natural sugar.

As you can see, following a protein diet can be really positive for your life. Now you just have to create your menus with the help of a nutritionist and enjoy its benefits.

Remember to pay attention to your body’s signals to detect when you are overdoing it and correct them.

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