An Effective Diet To Tone Up

When adopting a diet to tone up, in addition to reducing the consumption of certain foods rich in saturated fat that prevent us from reaching our goal, we should eat five meals a day.

Anyone who exercises regularly wants to see results quickly. For this, there are foods that allow you to tone up and help reduce flaccidity.

We will give you the keys to a diet to tone you up. It will bring you effective results as long as you associate it with the regular practice of a sport.

The proteins

Protein is the key substance for good muscle health. In this sense, we must choose the most suitable sources of protein in order to provide our body with the necessary nutrients in their proper measure.

  • The most important thing when it comes to protein sources   will be to reduce the consumption of red meat. Although these foods contain the highest amounts of protein, they also increase the risk of developing heart problems. Therefore, consuming it once a week will be sufficient.
  • White meat and fish will be two good substitutes for red meat. With foods like turkey, chicken or blue and white fish, we will be able to tone and firm muscles without suffering from body mass gain. In this case, the white fish will be very interesting because it is the lowest in fat.
  • On the other hand, the eggs will provide us with proteins thanks to the white, because the yolk concentrates more fat. Therefore, we can make omelets with two whites and one yellow, for example.
  • As for dairy products, the most recommended will be to consume the lowest in fat.
  • When it comes to vegetables, you will find the greatest source of protein in legumes. It is an economical and very healthy food. To prevent gas, you can cook them with cumin.
  • You can also include dried fruits, preferably raw, in this diet  so that they do not lose their properties. If you eat them grilled, be careful that they do not contain sugar or hydrogenated fats.


limit fat to tone up

Fat is an essential food for our body, but it is preferable to limit its consumption to the necessary quantities.

For this diet to be effective, we must drastically reduce our intake of saturated fat. For example, those present in industrial pastries and replace them with healthy fats.

  • Some of these can be vegetable oils, such as olive or evening primrose oil. We can also eat dried fruits, blue fish or the yolks of eggs, which also contain this fat.
  • Likewise, we’ll find a fair amount of healthy fats in avocados and seeds, like sesame or sunflower seeds.

Carbohydrates for toning up

Among the most suitable sources of carbohydrates to have results with this special toning diet, are fresh fruits or vegetables, whether raw, cooked or in juice.

We can also use whole grains or flour, or tuberculous foods like potatoes.

Examples of diet menus to tone up

In order to properly distribute the foods we have talked about throughout the day, we are going to show you some menus to tone up.

Among the examples, you will find a menu with meat or fish, a vegetarian option and a vegan option.

Traditional menu

a traditional menu to tone up

  • We can start the day with a breakfast containing toasts of wholemeal bread with cheese, to which we can add honey and seeds.
  • In the middle of the morning, it is recommended to nibble some dried fruits and a piece of fruit.
  • At lunchtime, we can prepare a plate with chicken a la plancha (or fish) with sautéed vegetables.
  • In the middle of the afternoon we can incorporate a dairy product, such as yogurt with dried fruits.
  • Finally, we can end the day with a dinner based on vegetable soup or an omelet.

Vegetarian menu

  • For the vegetarian option, we can prepare a breakfast with a smoothie made from yogurt, fresh and dried fruits, such as nuts or almonds.
  • The morning snack can be corn cakes with cheese, and for lunch, whole pasta with mushrooms, tomatoes and vegetables.
  • To taste it, we can eat a full cake with peanut butter, preferably homemade, without salt.
  • At the end of the day, at dinner, you can eat quinoa and an omelet.

Vegan menu

The last option is a vegan menu that easily includes all the necessary nutrients.

  • For breakfast we can eat a sandwich of wholemeal bread with tomato and avocado.
  • In the middle of the morning, we can choose between some dried fruits and a vegetable juice.
  • For lunch, we can prepare lentils with brown rice or some sautéed mushrooms.
  • The afternoon snack can be based on dried fruits.
  • Finally, we will prepare a soup of vegetables, seeds and seaweed for dinner.

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