A Tasty Recipe For Tomato Jam

Regular consumption of tomatoes helps us reduce the risk of suffering from a cardiovascular event by up to 50%.

Have you ever tasted tomato jam? If not yet, then you must do so immediately after reading this article! Its exquisite taste but not too sweet will allow you to mix it with other dishes.

It is versatile, delicious and above all very good for your health!

This recipe offers an astronomical amount of vitamins, especially those of group B, and is very rich in carotenoids.

Tomato jam contains antioxidants and exhibits antibacterial, anti-cancer and hypoglycemic properties, characteristics that make it a strong ally against cardiovascular disease.

The benefits of tomatoes

 mint and cherry tomatoes

  • It reduces cholesterol:  thanks to its lycopene content, the tomato can eliminate toxins and lower cholesterol. It has even been proven that people who consume tomatoes often, whether in salad, juice or jam, can reduce the likelihood of suffering from a cardiovascular event by 50%. The main function of this substance is to protect our arteries.
  • It does not contain fat or calories:  water occupies 95% of the tomato, which gives us plenty of nutrients and the feeling of being full quickly. Tomatoes are very rich in vitamins B, A and C and minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and iron.
  • It improves eyesight and prevents oral infections:  consuming tomato prevents infections and other diseases in the mouth, and also helps to have better eyesight.
  • It is an ally against cancer:  studies from Harvard University have shown that regular consumption of tomatoes can prevent cancers associated with the digestive system, as well as breast cancer.

The recipe for tomato jam

tomato jam recipe


    • A kilo of tomatoes
    • 400 grams of sugar
    • The juice of a lemon
    • A stick of cinnamon


  • We start by boiling the tomatoes:  fill a saucepan with water and put it on the fire. When the water boils, add 1 kilo of tomatoes and leave them for a minute. As soon as the tomatoes are scalded, they are removed and cooled with cold water. Now it will be easier to peel them. Also remember to remove the seeds. !
  • Then remove the pulp from the tomatoes, which can be put in a bowl. Once all the pulp has been removed, sugar and lemon juice are added and this mixture is left to stand for an hour. This will get rid of the acidity from the tomato, and the flavors blend together better as well.
  • It’s time to put everything in a pot to start cooking all the ingredients over a low heat.

Don’t forget to add the cinnamon stick, which will give the mixture a better taste. Cooking should take about an hour; during this time, make sure that it is always on low heat and watch the cooking so that the preparation does not burn.

End of the recipe

  • Turn off the heat once you have a thin and light dough. Now let it sit for a good half an hour, so that the jam eventually hardens.
  • Now you can pour the tomato jam into glass jars in order to keep it. It is recommended to sterilize the jars: you can put the tomato jam in the jars and then immerse them in a pot of boiling water.
  • The best way to accompany a tomato jam will certainly be with a cereal toast and a slice of cheese to complete this magnificent recipe!

Photographs courtesy of Cocina de Neus.

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