A Mother’s Voice Awakens Her Child’s Brain

This research has shown that a mother’s voice awakens the brain of a child, in a truly startling way. Let’s see this in more detail.

“There is only one mother”… This is an adage that has provoked many controversies, both scientific and societal, since the dawn of time. Science proves, day after day, that this statement is true for children. Even the voice passes through it …

The University of British Columbia study received a lot of media coverage. This research proves that a mother’s voice awakens a child’s brain in startling ways.

The lead author of the study explains the following fact: When children listen to their birth mother’s voice, their brains trigger unique neural connections. These facts have never been observed in other circumstances. This does not happen even when a person has a similar tone of voice. Not even if she says the same words.

The areas of the brain that kick in are those that are usually responsible for managing emotions, social connections and facial recognition, as well as those responsible for sorting out what is important and what is not. not.

It just seems incredible that a single sound has the capacity to provoke such a series of reactions in the brain of a child.

Scans prove it: a mother’s voice awakens her child’s brain

Brain area

For this study, 24 children, aged 7 to 12, were selected. They have all shared the same home as their mother since birth. They also all have an average intelligence quotient.

The procedure adopted by the researchers is very simple. They scanned the children while their mother, or another woman with a similar voice, spoke a series of meaningless sentences.

The result was quite telling. Scientists found that when the mother spoke, the biological process was activated 97% of the time. The argument is therefore almost irrefutable.

But the investigation went even further. The director of the research group said the answer translates to improved social skills in children.

This is one of the reasons why a mother’s presence is so important in the first months of a child’s life: their voice has an impact on the brain and the emotions of their child.

An important discovery

Establishing this link allows us to affirm that there is a strong relationship between a mother and her child. Above all, this opens the door to a whole field of study on the importance of the maternal voice in therapies designed to treat childhood disorders, such as autism for example.

As we all know, autism is characterized by difficulty in establishing relationships with other people and a great obsession with everything related to order. All this is certainly due to the fact that these people received too much brain stimulation that they could not bear.

But, if their mother’s voice is able to awaken their brains, it is possible that recordings could elaborate therapy. This therapy would aim to help them concentrate better and manage their emotions.

This extraordinary discovery could be the starting point for a new treatment that would improve children’s social interactions. It has the advantage of acting on the very source of this problem.

The importance of attacking the problem at the source

Mother and son

For many years, modern medicine had to be content with diagnosing and designing treatments based on symptoms. The laboratories were only concerned with combating the consequences of a problem in order to achieve drug treatment.

But, in recent times, researchers, aided by modern technology, can get more to the root of the problem. The breakthrough we have told you about in this article increases the chances of a cure for children with autism. The action of a mother’s voice on the brain of her child is therefore of paramount importance.

It is a new hope that is born for all the families affected by this problem. This might be the way to put an end to pharmacological treatments which can have significant side effects.

Knowing that a mother’s voice causes brain connections in her child. These connections give rise to a whole circuit made up of synapses which will undoubtedly be very useful for many ongoing research.

The results invite us to always know more about the functioning of our organism and about the causes which reveal diseases, psychological or not.

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