A Delicious Banana And Turmeric Smoothie To Purify Your Liver

The combination of banana and turmeric gives rise to a powerful remedy which, in addition to helping us improve our liver health, can be very useful to us in calming times of stress.

The liver is the largest internal organ in our body. As it performs many vital functions, it is also one of the most important organs for our health. It is therefore important to purify your liver daily.

It is estimated that it fulfills more than 500 tasks in our body. These tasks include the purification of the blood, the synthesis of enzymes and proteins, the management of the metabolism and finally the secretion of hormones.

Its continuous work allows us to eliminate toxins and fats. This is extremely important if we want to prevent the onset of various diseases.

However, as happens with other systems, certain factors can unbalance it and cause health problems, preventing it from performing its functions.

Of most concern is that it can also directly affect other vital organs. If the phenomenon is not quickly brought under control, then it can lead to the development of serious diseases.

For all of these reasons, you should understand that it is important to cleanse your liver on a regular basis. Foods that stimulate its purification must then be incorporated into our diet.

With this in mind, we have decided to share with you, in the rest of this article, a delicious banana and turmeric recipe.

If you consume this recipe regularly, you will take care of your liver health.

Learn How To Cleanse Your Liver And Benefit Today!

A banana and turmeric smoothie to purify the liver

Banana Turmeric Smoothie is a delicious drink that we can consume as a supplement, with the aim of strengthening the detoxification of our liver.

The benefits of bananas

Banana to cleanse your liver

Bananas are foods with excellent nutritional value. Although it is one of the most caloric fruits, it is also one of the best for our health.

100 grams of bananas provide us with 90 calories, this fruit has an incredible natural energy contribution.

It also contains natural sugars, minerals and antioxidants, such as beta-carotene.

We have known for centuries that this is one of the greatest natural sources of potassium. It also provides us with magnesium and iron.

It has a slight laxative and diuretic effect that helps support the body’s detoxification processes, as this greatly facilitates the elimination of fluids and toxins that are retained in the body.

In addition, it is ideal as part of all diets, because it is satiating and, de facto , reduces appetite.

The benefits of turmeric to purify your liver


Turmeric, also known as “turmeric”, is one of the most recommended spices for taking care of our liver health.

Its active ingredient, curcumin, gives it a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action, which is excellent for eliminating toxins trapped in the body.

It also helps neutralize the action of free radicals, prevent cell damage and reduce the risk of different types of tumors appearing.

Turmeric also acts as a stimulant of the body’s natural enzymes, making it an ideal spice for improving fat and protein metabolism.

In fact, it is also credited with the power to prevent cognitive diseases. Turmeric is indeed excellent for our brain health and our nervous system.

How to prepare this turmeric banana smoothie?

Banana Turmeric Smoothie is an exotic flavored drink that you can consume when you are feeling anxious, or that you can incorporate into a liver detox diet.

In addition to these two ingredients, it contains coconut milk, pineapple and other healthy foods, which will strengthen its purifying effects.

You should consume it in moderation, only once a day, because its calorie intake is significant.


  • 1 cup of coconut milk (250 ml)
  • 2 pineapple rings
  • 3 frozen bananas
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric (5 g)
  • ½ teaspoon of ginger (2 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of chia seeds (5 g)


  • Cut the pineapple rings and the bananas into small cubes.
  • Add them to the bowl of your blender, then add the coconut milk.
  • Then add the coconut oil, turmeric and ginger.
  • Mix everything well for a few minutes, until you obtain a creamy and homogeneous drink.
  • Consume this smoothie immediately, to take advantage of its concentration of nutrients.

Did you like this recipe? We recommend that you prepare and consume it in the morning, so that it provides an extra dose of energy to your body.

If you consume this drink several times a month, you will feel its benefits on your liver health and on the general functioning of your body.

Keep in mind that this smoothie helps cleanse your liver. But it can also be used as support as part of a slimming diet. Indeed, even if it brings us a large dose of energy, it allows us not to consume other fatty and sweeter foods.

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