A Cabbage Home Remedy To Fight Acidity

Gastric hyperacidity is a very troublesome and painful health problem for people who suffer from it. In addition, you should know that to fight against this scourge, a balanced diet should generally be accompanied by a possible treatment.

Poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, stress and bad habits such as alcohol or tobacco are all factors that can generate acidity. In this article, we’ll explain how to avoid acidity with a simple cabbage recipe, which can serve as a side dish for your dishes.

Why do we suffer from acidity?

The stomach is a naturally acidic organ because of the hydrochloric acid it contains, which helps us digest food well. However, due to various factors, this acid can sometimes be excessive and adversely affect the digestive system.

In some cases, you can also suffer from a hiatus hernia, which causes acid to rise up into the esophagus and inflame it.

which foods cause acidity

What are the factors that increase acidity?

  • Poor diet or poor assimilation of food.
  • The abuse of acidifying foods: white sugar, refined flour, fried foods, red meat, cold meats, milk, sugary drinks, sodas, alcohol.
  • Eating too fast, in too large quantities or without taking the time to chew well.
  • A weakening of the digestive system and the lack of digestive enzymes.
  • The abuse of anti-acid or acidifying drugs.
  • Toxic habits like tobacco and alcohol.
  • Stress and negative emotions.
  • Sedentarism.
  • Life in the city or in polluted environments.

Alkalizing foods

In addition to some natural acidity remedies that are much healthier than conventional anti-acids, it’s also important to increase your intake of alkalizing foods.

If you consume it every day, you will balance the pH of your stomach gently and gradually,  without altering it suddenly and while maintaining the acidity necessary for digestion.

Among these foods, we can for example quote:

  • Avocado
  • The cucumber
  • The almonds
  • Asparagus
  • Millet
  • Broccoli

However, one of the most beneficial of these foods is cabbage, which allows us to make a very alkalizing recipe.

Why the cabbage?

Cabbage is a very inexpensive and healthy vegetable. In some countries it is used very little while in others it is consumed a lot, incorporating it into many different recipes.

Cabbage is an excellent anti-acid, because it regulates the function of the stomach, liver and intestines while neutralizing acidity, Thus it prevents and treats gastric ulcers, thanks to the protection that is exerted on the gastrointestinal mucosa.

In addition, if we consume cabbage, we help purify our body, improve our immune system and relieve pain due to rheumatism.

cabbage versus acidity

What do you need ?

To make the two daily rations of this medicinal recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 300 or 400 grams of white cabbage
  • 2 tablespoons (50 grams) extra virgin olive oil
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • A pinch of ground black pepper, to taste
  • A pinch of cumin, to taste
  • Half a spoonful (5 grams) of sea salt or Himalayan salt

How to prepare this recipe?

This recipe should be prepared in the morning, so you can let it sit for a few hours before consuming it.

  • Cut the cabbage into very thin strips or chop it with a food processor. But be careful that it is not liquid.
  • Put it in a glass container.
  • Add olive oil, lemon juice, salt and spices.
  • Cover the container and let macerate, at least for two hours, at room temperature.

How to consume it?

  • Divide the prepared amount into two rations. You will taste each of them as an accompaniment to lunch and dinner. 
  • It is important to chew this dish well, otherwise it can cause gas. It is precisely for this reason that we add cumin.
  • This medicinal recipe accompanies all your usual menus but should not replace the rations of carbohydrates, proteins and fats that you need.
  • If one of the dishes is a salad, you can add cabbage to it, to make it a unique dish.
  • A lot of people don’t like cooked cabbage, but its raw taste is totally different and appeals to a lot of people.
  • In a matter of days, you will see results. You will no longer suffer from acidity, as long as you follow the correct diet rules and completely stop consuming the foods that cause it.

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