9 Natural And Simple Tips To Reduce Hypothyroidism

In case of suffering from hypothyroidism, exercise is also very important, because in this way, in addition to speeding up the metabolism, it promotes fat burning and increases vitality.

Hypothyroidism is a condition characterized by a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland. Discover in this article several simple natural tips that can help you reduce the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Decreased secretion of thyroid hormones causes symptoms such as decreased basal metabolism, weight gain, fatigue, hypersensitivity to cold, constipation, anemia, etc.

Can hypothyroidism be treated?

Hypothyroidism is a condition that, in principle, cannot be cured. However, once diagnosed it can be controlled to a large extent with proper treatment.

Despite the various treatments, many people continue to suffer from the symptoms of this disease, so that they can only resort to natural remedies.

These alternative solutions are also very effective when we start to suffer from the first symptoms of hypothyroidism but have not started treatment because we could prevent it from getting worse.

Tips for reducing the symptoms of hypothyroidism

1. Green smoothies

green smoothies to treat hypothyroidism

Green smoothies are a delicious, easy, and healthy way to get a healthy amount of fruit and veg every day, even for people who have trouble eating veggies.

All green smoothies, which we can prepare with a variety of fresh and seasonal ingredients, provide many nutrients. In addition, they improve the functioning of the body and eliminate toxins, which is very beneficial in preventing all kinds of symptoms.

In addition, these smoothies help maintain a balanced weight, fight constipation, increase energy levels and improve mood.

2. Stimulating spices

Certain aromatic and culinary spices have medicinal healing properties advocated for many diseases, although they are best known for their ability to improve the flavor of foods.

In the case of functional hypothyroidism, we recommend these three spices in our meals and infusions:

  • Cayenne pepper
  • Ginger
  • Ceylon Cinnamon

We can add them both to savory recipes and sweet desserts, but also to our smoothies or fruit juices.

3. Exercise is essential

exercise to reduce hypothyroidism

Exercise is a valid recommendation for everyone. However, people who suffer from hypothyroidism can see a great improvement in their condition with exercise, because in this way they speed up the metabolism which is usually low and prevent overweight.

Activating the metabolism not only burns more calories, but also increases vitality and combats hypersensitivity to cold.

4. Coconut oil

Extra virgin coconut oil is an increasingly popular food among those looking for super foods to enrich their diet.

This vegetable oil has the virtue of stimulating the production of thyroid hormones, accelerating the metabolism and fighting against overweight, despite being a fat.

We can take two tablespoons a day of coconut oil, one on an empty stomach and another in the evening, although we can start with a smaller amount and increase it if we feel well.

5. Massage helps reduce hypothyroidism

thyroid massage to reduce hypothyroidism

We shouldn’t underestimate the simple exercise of massaging the thyroid area of ​​the neck with a little coconut oil. We will perform a gentle massage for a few minutes each day.

All self-massage has beneficial properties for health as long as it is not uncomfortable or painful.

6. Essential fatty acids to reduce symptoms of hypothyroidism

One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is dry skin. To improve this condition of the skin, we must provide it with the necessary nutrients to nourish it and keep it bright, but also to prevent premature wrinkles.

We can eat the following foods every day:

  • Linseed
  • Chia seeds
  • Krill Oil
  • Lawyer
  • Ghee or clarified butter
  • Blue fish

7. Chia seeds

chia seeds for constipation

The chia seeds we talked about in the previous section can also be very effective for constipation.

  • To consume them you have to soak them for several hours (all night, for example) and then take them with water.
  • We can also mix them with juices or smoothies.

8. Learn to sing to reduce hypothyroidism

You don’t have to be very talented to sing in private with us.

However, this habit can be very helpful in regulating the thyroid, since the vibration takes place right in the area where the gland is located. Even at an energetic level, it can also be a very beneficial therapy for our well-being.

9. Drink water

Drinking water is a simple habit that improves the functioning of our organs, helps us activate metabolism, fight constipation, fight against dry skin and lose weight.

For all these reasons, it is highly recommended in all treatments and, above all, if we are suffering from hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism can lead to several serious health problems. Find out how to treat it with foods that speed up the metabolism.

Main image © wikiHow.com

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