9 Foods You Must Avoid While On A Diet

If we want our diet to be truly effective, we need to go for homemade recipes, rather than pre-made salads or smoothies.

Dieting is a tough decision and a rocky road.

Some foods are not as high in calories as they might seem, but others are much higher than they appear. Sometimes even foods that we believe are healthy.

Take note of the list of products that we recommend you avoid when dieting, even if they are very tempting, if you want to succeed in your bet.

When we make the decision to lose weight and watch our diet, we often go for low calorie, light, or very healthy looking products.

However, they can be very bad for our body and prevent us from losing weight altogether.

Discover them all in the rest of our article!

1. Sushi, makis and other Japanese dishes

We all believe that sushi is good for our health. But there are some very important nuances that we need to bring to this conception of the westernized version of Japanese cuisine.

  • For example, you should absolutely avoid any creations that are made with hot mayonnaise or double cream cheese, as they contain a large amount of fat. It’s exactly the same for fried products, like tempura.
  • Also avoid fatty sauces that can accompany these dishes at all costs. And don’t eat too much soy sauce, which is usually very salty.

2. The granola

Although a bowl of granola may sound very healthy to us, it is not a recommended preparation for people wishing to lose weight . Indeed, it provides a large amount of calories.

  • If you eat it for breakfast, for example, you should do so in moderation. And, ideally, eat it before doing moderate-intensity exercise.

3. Caesar salad

Be very careful with salads, because although they can look very tempting when it comes to diet, they can contain foods that are much higher in calories than just lettuce. Here we are particularly targeting the Caesar salad recipe.

  • It is a dish that brings us a lot of calories. From pieces of bread, to cheese and gravy, this is a high calorie blend that you should avoid if you want to lose weight.
  • Better to go for a healthier solution, like a salad made with tomatoes, lettuce, asparagus and seasoned with a dash of olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice.

4. Cereal bars

Be very careful with granola bars, because while they may sound like a very healthy snack, they are very high in calories.

  • Similar to granola, commercial granola bars contain a high amount of calories. We must therefore consume it in moderation.
  • In addition, they may contain trans and polyunsaturated fats, refined sugars and hydrogenated oils. That’s why we advise you to avoid them.

5. Wholemeal bread

whole wheat bread

Above all, do not think that wholemeal bread contains fewer calories than white bread, simply because it is healthier.

  • Wholemeal bread contains the same number of calories as regular bread.
  • However, it is richer in fiber, which greatly facilitates digestion and intestinal transit. But its benefits stop there.

6. Isotonic or energy drinks

Isotonic drinks are ideal for athletes. Indeed, they allow them to ingest the salts and minerals that they lost during exercise.

However, the amount of sugar in these drinks leaves no room for doubt about their calorie intake. Try to avoid them or get drinks without added sugars.

7. Pickles

If cucumber is certainly one of our best allies for the diet, pickles are not to be placed in the same category. They indeed contain a large amount of salt.

Salt is bad for our health, but also for our weight. It causes water retention and swelling of our tissues.

8. Dried bananas

Bananas contain a large amount of natural sugars. If you eat it in its natural state, no problem, you can go with your eyes closed, even while on a diet.

Conversely, the dried banana slices that you can find, for example, in muesli, bring you 441 calories for 85 grams of product.

9. Smoothies

Not all smoothies are healthy, which is why we need to be extra careful.

Similar to dried bananas, if you want to consume fruit, eat it in its original form.

  • Some smoothies contain sweeteners or sugar, but also products like yogurt and ice cream. This can totally negate the natural qualities of some other foods.

This is a trap that you must avoid if you want to be successful with your diet.

  • If you want to consume smoothies, prepare them yourself and choose the most depurative versions possible. Fruits and vegetables should be the basis of your drink.
  • If you really want your smoothies to be perfectly healthy, don’t add sugar, no cream, and no chocolate.

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