9 Foods To Improve Your Blood Health

Find out which foods can help you take care of your blood health here. We offer you nine. Take notes !

Diet is one of the most important pillars in maintaining good arterial health. Unfortunately, nowadays the industry is shutting out the market because of a wide variety of foods which, far from being healthy, lead to the development of obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Most worrying is that many of us ignore the importance of this habit and, despite the warnings, we continue to base our diets on fats, sugars and other harmful substances.

Because of this it is essential to maintain a healthy eating plan and, in addition, to increase the consumption of these foods which protect the arteries.

Assuming that many people ignore these foods, below we are going to recommend the best of them. Enjoy it!

1. Oily fish for your arterial health

Salmon steaks

Oily fish contain omega-3 fatty acids which, after being assimilated, help lower the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides that build up in the arteries.

This healthy fat promotes the increase of good cholesterol (HDL) while eliminating bad lipids for the body.

On the other hand, it should be noted that they provide interesting amounts of amino acids and essential minerals, both necessary to avoid inflammation and breathing difficulties.

Consume, at least twice a week, varieties such as:

  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Sardines
  • Mackerel
  • Herring
  • Trout

2. Olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil, which has not been subjected to a refining process, is good fat for arterial health.

Its fatty acids, in addition to its antioxidants, reduce the negative effects of free radicals and balance cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

3. Sesame seeds preserve arterial health

Sesame seeds are increasingly popular because they contain essential nutrients that are good for cardiovascular health and weight.

Their essential fatty acids lower cholesterol levels while protecting the heart from breathing difficulties.

Regular consumption slows down cravings and prevents hardening of the arteries caused by being overweight.

4. Tomatoes

Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant found in tomatoes, provides interesting benefits in protecting arterial and cardiovascular health.

This substance decreases the oxidation of cholesterol in the arterial walls and controls the inflammation which leads to the development of circulatory problems.

5. Ginger

Ginger, a spice known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, may help improve arterial health when dealing with issues like high cholesterol and hypertension.

Its main active ingredient, gingerol, restores circulation and promotes the elimination of lipids that adhere to the walls of the arteries.

6. Oats, an ally for your arterial health

Oat consumption

Known in many parts of the world as “the queen of cereals”, oats are a great ally in cleaning arteries and preventing arteriosclerosis.

Its dietary fiber improves digestion and also supports the processes that metabolize cholesterol and fats.

If you consume it at least three times a week in your diet, the arteries will stay clean and elastic.

7. Blueberries

Blueberries are small fruits rich in antioxidants and natural fibers that help cleanse the arteries. Thanks to their properties, they detoxify the body and slow down the negative action of free radicals in the environment.

Regular consumption prevents premature aging and decreases the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

8. Dried fruits

Dried fruits contain amino acids and healthy fats that can help prevent arterial blockage and other problems with the cardiovascular system.

Although we distinguish them for their ability to curb the feeling of hunger when we are anxious, they are also of great support in controlling cholesterol and excess inflammation.

Their omega-3 fatty acids help cleanse lipids and prevent conditions like hypertension and obesity.

Eat hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios and almonds!

9. Strawberries

Strawberries are one of the low calorie, antioxidant foods that support the body in good cardiovascular health.

Their vitamins and minerals improve arterial health and decrease the accumulation of fats like bad cholesterol (LDL).

In addition, they promote good circulation and promote the expulsion of toxins present in the blood.

Ready to improve your diet? If you are not yet including these foods in your daily life, buy them quickly and reap the benefits.

Know that arterial problems are often silent, which is why it is better to prevent them.

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