9 Amazing Benefits Of Bananas

Even though they are high in sugars, bananas can help us lose weight because they reduce anxiety and avoid eating other foods with higher calories.

Bananas have been among the most consumed fruits in the world since the beginning of mankind. This fruit has a delicious sweet taste. We can enjoy it on its own or in addition to other cooking recipes.

Bananas are high in sugars and provide a significant amount of calories. This is why we once thought that eating bananas on a regular basis was bad.

However, recent studies have shown that it is a food with high nutritional value, ideal for any type of diet.

They are a great source of potassium and pectin. It is a type of fiber that supports the digestive functions of the body.

They also provide a lot of magnesium and vitamin C and B6. They therefore help to strengthen the immune system and improve health in general.

We will present 9 of the great benefits of bananas below so that you no longer hesitate to enjoy them every day.

1. Bananas prevent depression

Thanks to their high content of tryptophan, an amino acid that turns into serotonin when it arrives in the body, bananas can help relax the body to improve morale and increase feelings of happiness.

In addition, since it is an energizing fruit, it helps to fight against this feeling of fatigue and discouragement which tends to accompany depressive states.

2. Bananas fight against constipation

For several years, it has been known that the consumption of fiber is essential for intestinal transit and certain digestive processes.

Bananas provide significant amounts of this nutrient, making them ideal for fighting constipation and regulating bowel function.

It is therefore advisable to eat a banana between 20 and 30 minutes after each meal, or as part of the breakfast.

3. Bananas protect the heart

With its significant amount of potassium (an essential electrolyte that maintains electricity in the body), bananas help protect the heart.

Having a high level of potassium and a low level of sodium reduces cardiovascular risks, as it lowers high blood pressure and improves blood circulation.

4. Bananas help you lose weight

Although they are relatively high in calories, bananas have more benefits than disadvantages when it comes to weight loss.

It is estimated that a banana can provide up to 10% of the daily fiber requirement to improve digestion.

In addition, thanks to its vitamin B6, it could protect against type 2 diabetes and obesity. 

This food is a great support for losing weight without suffering, because its sweet taste reduces anxiety and prevents excessive ingestion of other foods with high levels of calories and fat.

5. Bananas could prevent cancer

Since they are rich in antioxidant phenolic compounds, their regular consumption could work as a great preventive of kidney cancer. 

While the consumption of fruits and vegetables could have anti-cancer effects, there are several additional benefits in the consumption of bananas.

6. Bananas fight ulcers

Bananas are recommended for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, thanks to their soft and smooth texture.

Bananas are able to create a protective layer in the stomach and can neutralize irritation caused by excess acid.

7. Banana relieves acidity

Eating a banana after eating fairly heavy or irritating foods can prevent bothersome heartburn in the throat or mouth.

This fruit has an anti-acid effect that instantly neutralizes acidity and relaxes the digestive tract.

8. Bananas control the nerves

Bananas provide large amounts of vitamin B, an essential nutrient for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Thanks to its relaxing and satiating effects, it can reduce stress and feelings of anxiety or irritability.

In addition, their intake of natural sugar and carbohydrates can be very helpful in improving mental functions.

9. Bananas improve visionbananas

Although the carrot is best known for protecting eyesight, bananas can also play an important role.

They have a small amount of vitamin A, which is essential for protecting the eyes and maintaining good visual health.

Just like other fruits, bananas can prevent macular degeneration, a serious disease that impairs central vision. 

Enjoy it!

There are many ways to eat bananas. They taste delicious and there is no reason to believe that they can be harmful to your health.

It is important to eat them in a moderate way because in excess, they provide a lot of calories and could have negative effects.

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