8 Ways To Reduce Plastic Use In Your Home

Much of the world’s pollution is caused by plastic waste. It is therefore increasingly urgent to reduce the use of plastic in the home.

Today, plastic is one of the most polluting elements. Unfortunately, this pollution is also the most present in many places of the world. As a result, several awareness campaigns have been launched in many countries to encourage reducing the use of plastic in homes. Do you know how to do it ?

The level of pollution on the planet has reached such a level that there are even islands made of garbage. Yes, as you read it: between the coast of California and Hawaii, precisely on Wale Island, 79 tons of toxic waste are stored.

In addition, the forecasts are not encouraging. According to experts, by 2025, the 8 million tonnes of plastic waste dumped into the oceans each year will increase by at least 22%.

It really is time to do something about it. We can all start with small changes at home. Here are 8 easy ways to reduce the use of plastic in your home.

8 ways to reduce the use of plastic in your home

1 – Use your own shopping bag

use shopping bags to limit the use of plastic

Many cities around the world have taken the decision to ban traders from delivering their goods in plastic bags. It is a bit boring legislation for citizens. But it is mainly because we have developed bad habits.

Over time, you will get used to carrying your own reusable bag. If a single bag is not enough, take several or carry certain products in a backpack, a handbag or even a shopping cart.

2 – Avoid plastic utensils

If you eat in the office or at your workplace, isn’t it more convenient to leave a pair of metal cutlery there every time you need them? This way, you will avoid disposable products, which constitute a significant percentage of plastic waste.

3 – opt for reusable bottles

Water consumption is also a factor that allows you to reduce the use of plastic in your home. Instead of buying plastic water bottles every week, use re-usable barrels or even bottles.

Be careful, remember that there are certain types of bottles that should not be reused because they accumulate bacteria. On the other hand, it is not at all harmful to drink tap water. Unless otherwise specified by authorities, it is as healthy as the water you buy bottled.

4 – limit foods wrapped in plastic

Many products come in plastic containers. It would be better to avoid them and turn to cardboard or glass, which are easier to recycle. In fact, many brands are moving away from plastic to offer more environmentally friendly packaging.

5 – Avoid disposable products

disposable plastic products
On a daily basis, we use a lot of disposable products, even without realizing it. Examples ? Disposable razors, clothespins, diapers (it takes almost 500 years to decompose), coffee capsules, tupperware and the cutlery already mentioned.

It’s great to use it for an emergency or if you need it outside of your home. However, if you use them consistently, you should think about correcting this habit.

6 – prepare homemade juices

You may have noticed that the vast majority of fruit juices come in plastic containers or bottles. Why not do them at home? In addition to saving you money, it will also benefit your health and that of the planet.

In fact, you can make this habit with many other products as well. For example, making homemade soap bars, body care creams, and even having your own vegetable garden.

This way you will avoid the plastic bags that the vegetables are packed in. Plus, you’ll eat products that you know are 100% natural, free from chemicals like pesticides.

As you can see, in our daily life we ​​are a bit wasteful, even though we don’t have the slightest intention to be. What is good is that there is still time to correct this situation. It would be wonderful to think about future generations and strive to leave them a better planet.

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