8 Tips To Protect And Nourish Your Nails

If your nails tend to turn yellow from smoking, repeated use of nail polish or for other reasons, you can give them back their original color by soaking them in white vinegar.

If you are one of those people who always end up breaking their fingernails, then you cannot miss this article. Fragile, brittle, or even yellowish nails … are a fairly common reality among women making it almost impossible to beautify them as we would like. Everything we do always leads to the same result that infuriates us so much: the nails break. Don’t worry, we’ll give you some simple tips for nourishing and protecting your nails.

Simple tips for nourishing and caring for your nails

1. The olive oil or castor oil bath

Very simple and efficient. We can make this very economical mask ourselves at home. What do you think of olive oil? It is ideal for nourishing your fragile nails thanks to these natural hydrating and fortifying compounds, and to its vitamins. It is enough only to put a small glass of olive oil in a cup, then to moisten a cotton ball with which you soak your nails.

Hold the oil on your nails for 20 minutes. Then wash your hands with mild soap. If you repeat this 3 times a week, you will see the difference. If you prefer, you can use castor oil instead of olive oil, which is also very effective.

2. Vitamin E

vitamin E to nourish your nails

Vitamin E is essential for our body. Thanks to it, we strengthen our body, our bones, our hair, our nails and we hydrate our skin by defending it against free radicals. The ideal is to get vitamin E capsules in pharmacies or natural stores. For nails, only one is enough.

What are we going to do ? Very simple. Take a transparent nail polish and pour in the contents of a vitamin E capsule. Try to use it regularly with this vitamin preparation and you will see how, little by little, you will manage to nourish your nails.

3. The garlic trick

Does that surprise you? In fact, garlic is the perfect antibacterial . It protects our body from any kind of fungi or toxic substances that can damage our nails. To do this, you have to cut a clove of garlic in half and use these halves to give a gentle massage on the nails, including the cuticles on the sides.

Then you will have to wash your hands with a mild soap, special for babies for example, containing many antimicrobial components. If you wash your hands well, the dreaded smell of garlic will not remain.

4. Tips to make your nails grow and get stronger

tips for nourishing your nails

We are going to make a super-nutritious mask to make your nails grow strong and healthy. It’s very simple: put, in a bowl, a spoonful of papaya, an egg yolk, a little lemon juice and five spoonfuls of milk.

Mix until a smooth paste is obtained and soak your fingers in it for at least 10 minutes. If you do this twice a day, you will get very good results.

5. Horsetail

Horsetail is ideal for strengthening, healing and nourishing. What do we have to do ? Just put four small branches of horsetail to boil in a cup of water. When the infusion is cold, soak your fingers in it for 15 minutes. Remember to do this twice a week.

6. Lemon and almond oil

Another classic remedy that is easy to perform. Remember that you can only find almond oil in health food stores and herbal stores. To make this mask which will strengthen and nourish your nails, you just need to squeeze the juice of half a lemon.

Add a spoonful of sugar, pour everything into a cup and soak your fingertips in it for ten minutes. Then take a cotton ball and moisten it with a little almond oil. Apply it on each of your nails. It is very effective!

7. A tip for whitening nails

Has this ever happened to you? Sometimes our nails look yellowish or have a dull complexion that we don’t like at all. There is a simple remedy to make them blanch: it simply involves soaking them for 5 minutes in white vinegar.

Another effective trick is to pass a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide. These techniques will make your nails look more natural.

8. Our advice for healthy and well-groomed nails

  • Avoid biting your nails. If you do, not only will you weaken them and they will look sloppy, but you can also catch diseases.
  • Don’t overuse nail polish. The nails need to breathe so the best thing to do is to alternate the application of polish with a few weeks of rest.
  • Do not use fingernails as tools. Do not scratch with them, do not use them to open things that are difficult to open.
  • Get into the habit of using gloves. When you need to wash something, detergents, fabric softeners, and dish soap, among others, contain chemicals that damage your nails. Remember it !

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