8 Simple, Healthy And Nutritious Breakfast Recipes

If we don’t eat breakfast, we risk gaining weight, because, not being full, we will crave more to eat, and we will consume more calories throughout the day.

A good breakfast gives you the fuel you need to start your day with a lot of energy. It provides your body with all the essential nutrients to function properly.

For this reason, nutrition experts recommend never to skip this meal, and advise having a good breakfast to obtain sufficient energies and to activate the metabolism of our body.

Many recent studies have found that skipping breakfast can influence significant weight gain, as cravings are more frequent throughout the day if a good meal is not taken in the morning. .

Conversely, having a good breakfast brings a feeling of satiety and many benefits to our body.

If you have understood the importance of breakfast for our body and our health, you should start consuming a healthy and nutritious morning meal every day.

We are going to give you 8 very easy to prepare breakfast recipes, so you have no more excuses not to start off on the right foot every morning!

Fruit oats

Oats for breakfast.

Oats and fruits are your two best allies for boosting your metabolism, fueling your body, and keeping you overall healthy.

This breakfast is very easy to prepare because the only thing to do is to cook half a cup of oatmeal in semi-skimmed milk.

Add a spoonful of wheat germ and powdered flaxseed, and a quarter of a cup of berries, apple or banana.

Instant oats are not recommended because they often contain more sugar and fewer nutrients.

Greek yogurt with granola

Greek yogurt has become very popular in recent years because it contains twice the protein and probiotics as regular plain yogurt.

The ideal is to find plain Greek yogurt and add a quarter of a cup of granola (made up of dried fruits and fruit) to it.

Fruit and peanut butter waffles

Waffles for breakfast.

This delicious breakfast is ideal for children because its delicious flavors and fun shape will please them very much!

Place your waffle in your toaster, and add peanut butter and berries, then put a waffle on top to make like a sandwich.

Egg and mushroom burrito

If you have a little more time to prepare your breakfast, this very healthy option will appeal to you.

Put a spoonful of grapeseed oil or virgin olive oil in a pan, and cook mushrooms cut into pieces with eggs.

Wait until everything is cooked through, then put the preparation in a wholemeal flour tortilla to finalize your burrito.

The breakfast sandwich

Make your own homemade sandwich with healthy ingredients, and enjoy a delicious and different breakfast.

For this, you need to cook an egg in a little olive oil, put it in the middle of two slices of wholemeal bread, then add a slice of tomato, a few fresh spinach leaves, and, if you if desired, a slice of low fat cheese.

Vegetable omelet

This vegetable omelet is ideal for enjoying the benefits of vegetables. And to start your day in the best possible way.

In a bowl, beat an egg then add pieces of red and green peppers, onions, and a few chopped spinach leaves.

Then pour the mixture into a pan with a little olive oil, and cook everything. You can stuff it with beans and small pieces of avocado.

The milk, fruit and oat smoothie

Smoothies are great for a healthy breakfast, and without having to take too long to prepare them.

This delicious smoothie that we present to you is also easy to prepare, and has all the necessary ingredients to give you energy and nutrients that will help you start your day on the right foot.


  • 1 cup of skimmed or semi-skimmed milk
  • 1 serving of banana, apple, cherry, peach or any fruit you prefer (you can combine several)
  • ½ cup of oats

How to prepare it? 

Put all the ingredients in a blender, then mix them to get the smoothie. You can add honey to sweeten it all. We recommend that you drink it chilled.

The yogurt, strawberry and oatmeal smoothie

This is another great smoothie that can be drunk for breakfast. And that consists of yogurt, strawberries and oats.

All of its nutrients will give you energy. Will stimulate your digestion and give you a feeling of fullness that will last all morning.


  • 1 cup low fat plain yogurt
  • 160 g strawberries
  • ½ cup of oats

How to prepare it? 

Combine all the ingredients in a blender, and add honey.

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