8 Powerful Natural Pain Relievers That Have No Side Effects

Did you know that by replacing pharmaceuticals with natural pain relievers, you reduce the risk of one day suffering from a heart attack? In addition, you avoid their side effects, only to enjoy the benefits.

The use of medication has become the number 1 alternative for people who want to solve a health problem. However, that doesn’t mean that this option is the healthiest or the most effective. This is why natural pain relievers may be the key.

Although in many cases drugs can be of great help in improving health, consuming too much of them can have serious short and long term side effects, and cause health problems.  

Drug abuse is a problem of growing concern to health professionals around the world. Indeed, studies show more and more the appearance of side effects.

For example, it has been verified that the frequent consumption of analgesics such as ibuprofen or diclofenac could have negative consequences on the body, to such an extent that these drugs increase the risk of suffering a heart attack.

Pain relievers are the best way to relieve various aches and pains and health problems.  In this article, we are going to share 8 powerful natural pain relievers with you. Just as effective as synthetics but which have no side effects.

Red peppers

Red peppers contain a significant amount of a compound called capsaicin, which is responsible for the pain relieving effect they provide to the body.

According to David Kiefer, assistant professor at the Integral Health Center at the University of Arizona, this effect of red pepper is obtained by reducing a substance that is responsible for transmitting pain from the affected area to the nervous system.

You should know that this process can take several days, but it is very effective.


Ginger is one of the strong natural pain relievers that can be found on the market.

Ginger root has been used since ancient times in the treatment of problems such as arthritis. Its ability to reduce inflammation and pain in the joints is very important.

Ginger, whether consumed in tea or used on the skin, has a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. He is able to fight against many pains. 

The matricaria

Matricaria is a very popular herb thanks to its natural analgesic and calming effects. These  can decrease fever, headaches, stomach pain, toothache, migraines and rheumatoid arthritis.

Even if there are still scientific demonstrations to be carried out, its moderate use can give good results.


Garlic is used as natural pain relievers and helps fight inflammation.

In addition to being one of the most powerful natural antibiotics that can be found, garlic also has an important analgesic action capable of reducing severe pain such as headaches, migraines, sinusitis, neuralgia and teeth.

This benefit is mainly due to its capsaicin content, responsible for neutralizing pain.

The cherries

Cherries are also one of the strong natural pain relievers that could help with various aches and pains.

A study by the University of Michigan was able to determine that cherries are up to 10 times more effective than drugs in reducing the inflammation of the tissues that cause headaches.

This virtue would be due to its high content of antocyanins. These are powerful antioxidants with anti-inflammatory and calming powers. 


Pineapple is one of the very powerful natural pain relievers.

Another natural pain reliever that you may also need is pineapple.

This delicious and healthy fruit has an enzyme called bromelain. This is responsible for reducing the pain, inflammation and bruises that form in the body. It can be the result of surgery, excessive physical exertion, or beating, among others.

Valerian root

Valerian root is an excellent alternative for people who want to calm pain in a natural way and avoid the use of commercial pain relievers.

This biological remedy is used in the treatment of muscle cramps and spasms.

It is also recommended to combat insomnia problems, as well as pain caused by PMS.

Its powerful action makes it one of the most active ingredients in pain relievers on the market.


This popular spice used all over the world is an excellent natural pain reliever capable of relieving severe headaches and toothaches.

This virtue is attributed to its significant contents of eugenol, an active compound in cloves. The latter has anesthetic and antibacterial properties. Here is the key to reducing pain and other associated problems.

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