7 Ways To Relieve Hallux Valgus Pain

Hallux valgus is a deformity of the big toe which, in addition to being very painful, is relatively unattractive.

Although once it appears it is difficult to eliminate it, it is still possible to relieve the pain and discomfort caused by hallux valgus through the application of natural remedies.

In order to know how to relieve the pain of hallux valgus, one must still know what it is. It is a deformity of the big toe which, in addition to being very painful, is relatively unattractive.

Hallux valgus is the scientific name for the popular bunion. It is actually an excessive formation of bone in the toe and a pocket of fluid at the base.

It has been discovered that the cause of the onset of hallux valgus is mostly hereditary.

In this case, we inherit not specifically the deformity, but the way of walking. If you are living with this problem, apply some of the following remedies.

7 home remedies to relieve hallux valgus pain

If you suffer from hallux valgus, you should know that it is possible to control the discomfort. On the other hand, you will not be able to completely eliminate hallux valgus.

  1. Adapted diet

Even if you don’t believe it, alleviating hallux valgus pain is possible by consuming anti-inflammatory foods like:

  • Olives
  • Ginger
  • Lingonberries
  • Garlic
  • Strawberries
  • Onions

You don’t have to eat all of a sudden, but you can try to eat a balanced diet by including these foods.

2. Chamomile

chamomile infusion to reduce hallux valgus

If you are a fan of infusions, you should know that chamomile is perfect for relieving hallux valgus.

So, you only have to prepare a chamomile infusion and drink it before going to bed.

If you’ve been on your feet all day and can’t take the pain anymore, this remedy will help you fall asleep.

3. Aspirin

Be aware that aspirin can cause allergic reactions on very sensitive skin. If you have this type of skin then it is better to avoid this remedy.

If you have no problem, crush 3 tablets, mix them with a tablespoon of warm olive oil and massage the hallux valgus.

4. Localized exercise

To relieve the pain, you can also do exercises with the toes down and up as follows:

  • Sit down first, then wiggle your toes with your hands back and forth. Repeat this for 5 minutes.
  • Then wrap a ball with your feet for another 10 minutes.

5. Foot bath with Epsom salt

In specialized pharmacies or organic stores, you can find Epsom salt.

  • First dissolve one or two tablespoons of this salt in hot or lukewarm water. Then submerge your feet daily for at least 20 minutes to reduce the pain of hallux valgus.
  • In no time, your feet will be much lighter.
  • When this is the case, you can decrease the foot baths to one bath every three days. However, we recommend that you continue to do them on a regular basis.

6. Essential oils

essential oil bottles to treat hallux valgus

Hallux valgus are accompanied by corns that can be painful and embarrassing with the friction of the shoes.

  • To prevent hardening, you can rub them with oils to calm the hardness and redness.
  • The best options are coconut, chamomile, lavender, and olive oil.

7. Turmeric

The properties of turmeric help relieve hallux valgus pain. Indeed, turmeric is used to calm the pain and to reduce inflammation.

You can consume turmeric as an infusion and enhance its effect by applying it locally on the hallux valgus.


  • 1 teaspoon of ground turmeric (5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of oil mentioned above (5 g)


  • Mix the two ingredients and apply while massaging.
  • Finally, remove the excess with a towel or lukewarm water.

How to avoid hallux valgus?

foot in the water

If you think that a hallux valgus is in full development, the first thing to do is to stop its development by giving more freedom to the foot. You must then consult a specialist who can tell you the best way to relieve it.

The podiatrist is the expert hallux valgus doctor and the one who can best tell you the level of seriousness of the problem.

To help you further, follow these tips for preventing hallux valgus:

  • Choose comfortable shoes. Women might lose some of the glamor, but your health is most important. Both in men and women, you should try to choose square shoes in which the foot is comfortable.
  • Consult an orthopedist. He will tell you the type of shoes you should use to reduce hallux valgus pain and delay its development.
  • Use orthopedic items, silicone pads, and other soft materials, such as special insoles, daytime and nighttime correctors.

They are excellent at relieving the pain of hallux valgus and prevent the problem from getting worse, allowing the process to be experienced more calmly.

  • Apply ice-cold and warm compresses. It is a great relief to practice hot and cold with hallux valgus. In addition to relieving the area, it helps to activate circulation.


Remember that what is important is prevention. If you know of people in your family with this condition, you are likely to have it as well.

The ideal is to observe any type of abnormalities that appear on this area of ​​the feet such as pain, numbness and redness and to consult your podiatrist regularly.

Relieving the pain of hallux valgus is not impossible, but it takes patience and some effort.

Unfortunately, once present, they can become a real daily torture for anyone.

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