7 Tips For Preventing An Aneurysm

As with other health problems, the best way to prevent an aneurysm is to eat a healthy diet, exercise, and avoid alcohol and tobacco.

The aneurysm is a globe that has formed in a blood vessel. It can appear in the brain as well as in the heart or stomach, and doesn’t necessarily cause problems unless it gets older.

If it increases, it can eventually rupture and cause internal bleeding.

Keep reading this article and we’ll give you some tips on how to prevent an aneurysm.

Why does an aneurysm appear?

There are factors that can predispose you to developing this type of defect. The most common are:

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Smoking
  • The pregnancy

It is important to remember that an aneurysm can be caused by different reasons. This is because any factor that affects your blood or blood vessels can cause it.

Once this problem appears, it is difficult to treat, and it is best to prevent it.

1. Follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables

A high daily consumption of fruits and vegetables indeed provides your body with the nutrients necessary for good cardiovascular health.

It is important to eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants as they help reduce inflammation in the artery walls. By doing this, you are directly contributing to the prevention of aneurysm.

The general advice is to eat at least two servings of fruit per day.

You can choose which ones you prefer, although the best are for example:

  • Raspberries
  • The walls
  • The strawberries
  • The blueberries
  • Grapes

Remember that when choosing your fruits, it is best to opt for those in season. Because the fresher they are, the greater their benefits.

It is also important to avoid canned fruits as they contain preservatives that can affect your health and increase the risk of disease.

2. Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking

To prevent an aneurysm, it is important to have a life without bad health habits, such as smoking or alcohol for example.

These two habits are factors that can predispose to a large number of chronic diseases.

alcohol man

It is also essential to avoid exposure to cigarette smoke because the passive smoker has the same risk of developing an aneurysm as the active smoker.

On the other hand, alcohol weakens the walls of blood vessels.

3. Avoid frequent use of medications

Excessive consumption of drugs, with or without a medical prescription, can indeed cause inflammation of the arteries. This is why it is important not to take anything that your doctor has not told you to.

Conversely, regarding prescribed medications, it is important to take them as prescribed by your doctor.

Also, find out if there is a history of aneurysm in your family so that this is taken into account when prescribing medications.

4. Exercise your body

Performing a daily exercise program helps maintain good cardiovascular health, in addition to maintaining a stable body weight and a healthy mind.

It’s about getting as much physical activity as possible.

Although a sports program should be planned according to your needs and characteristics, you can take advantage of any opportunity to climb stairs or walk.

The minimum required to prevent an aneurysm is 30 minutes per day. However, you need to make sure you don’t go overboard and consider the issues that limit you.

If necessary, start with shorter programs.

If you are not used to any exercise, take three short, 10-minute walks a day.

Over time, you will be able to increase as much as your body allows.

5. Do your medical check-ups


It is important to monitor your blood pressure, cholesterol and weight levels frequently.

If you have high cholesterol and have developed an aneurysm, you should reduce your intake of fatty foods like fried foods, cold meats, fast foods, and fatty meats.

In addition, it is important to see your doctor as often as you are told. Remember that if you can’t prevent an aneurysm, it’s at least vital that you watch it to reduce your risk.

If you are in good health, you should go for a medical check-up at least twice a year to manage your health on a regular basis.

6. Reduce stress

Every day there are situations that can develop high levels of stress. It is therefore important to learn to identify and control them to prevent an aneurysm.

Relationship, work, financial and emotional trauma problems are for example situations that can increase the stress levels in your daily life.

It is essential to do activities that relax you and surround you with positive people.

2. Don’t overlook the importance of your family history

Even though aneurysms can be scary, it’s important to give them the right importance. If in your family there is a history, talk to your doctor and also make sure you are well controlled for risk factors.

Remember that just because there is this risk does not mean that you will suffer from it. Discuss this with your doctor so that they are aware of them at all times.

Main image © wikiHow.com

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